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jayshree (Inspector)     27 December 2009

HRA-House Rent Allowance

Dear Sir,

We both husband wife are working in same organisation. After marriage our company stopped my HRA , cause both are working in same company, this is  rule. Before marriage I was getting HRA. There are more 3 couples, only husband is geting HRA not wife.  Will you guide me is this rule in  labour law?

Thanking you


 10 Replies


No.  Absolutely  you won't find anything on this subject (i.e., HRA)in Labour law.   The norms / guide lines laid down by Central Govt. on this subject (i.e., HRA)  through notifications / policies / Pay commission Reports  etc.,  are generally followed  by  all dept.,  weather Govt or Pvt., which are  available in  wellknown publishers `swamy publications for GO / Policies of Govt ' 

Further it clarified that Cessation of your HRA is nothing irregular.  However, in case,  your  salary / HRA is more than your  husband HRA, then  you have the option to drawn HRA in place of your husband.   


jayshree (Inspector)     28 December 2009

Thank you sir.

I have doubt, is it correct only one employee gets HRA not another, if they are husband wife?

Ram K (Manager)     29 December 2009

please let me know whether the HRA added with other allowane or how they adjected

Naresh Kumar (Sr. Executive)     29 December 2009

If the couple is working in the same organisation, then either of them whose salary is higher will get HRA and the remaining partner will be deprived of HRA as per the rules framed by the GOI which nomrally private sector follows.

subhash kumar (advocate)     29 December 2009

Dear, agree with the answer of naresh kumar

Subhash kumar, adv

jayshree (Inspector)     30 December 2009

Mr Naresh & Mr Subhash,

Thank you sir

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     19 November 2011

In Govt sector both husband and wife if Govt/PSU employees posted at same station either both get HRA or none of them if there is Govt/lease accommodation.

pandian   04 November 2017

House Rent Allowance

In case the couple is not availing the facility of government quarters, then HRA will be paid to both husband and wife even if they work in the same station.   However, even if one of them avails the Government residence in the same station where the other spouse is working, he/she will not be entitled for HRA.

darshana sawant (associate consultant)     07 November 2017

Dear Jayshree,


It is not clear from your query as to where you are working, whether it is a bank or Govt or private organisation.  In case of banks and PSUs they have their own rules on the compensation benefits.  You need to go through them and find out if such a policy exists.  In case of private employers there is no such bar, each employee is eliigible for his own benefits.  In Maharashtra, there is a separate HRA Act applicable to organsiations engaging more than 50 workmen.


If yours is not Government or PSU organization, only rules of the concerned organization are sacrosant for you.

Nothing is mandatory, except the statutory rules of the Government that regulate the HRA for the Government organisations. Even in PSUs the Government Rules are not made applicable, unless adopted by the Board of Directors of each PSU to make them applicable to the employees of the respective PSU.

So, be satisfied with the service conditions of your employer or switch over to some other organization, if not satisfied with your service conditions.


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