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nikhil ### (manager)     07 September 2011

Help me from dv case

Dear Sir

I came to know that my wife is going to file DV case against me & my family. We are scared about it. My wife filing the case in grounds that I beat her and my Parents also involved in harassing her indirectly. What had happenned after marriage is purely based on both of us( Me& My Wife), In this case I beat her. But I tried to reunion of us by accepting myself and some of my parents mistakes. But she recorded all my calls & now she is trying to bring our family to court.  And I came to know her intension that she wants a affidavit for her protection from me and my family to live with me.

1. If she proves Dv case, what will be myself and my families situation, is there will be arrest or not? if Yes how long?

2. Is legally affidavit is written by court or any one for protection of wife by husband and his family if she wants to reunion after proving Dv case? How she can get protection orders by court ?

At this situation I what To divorce her, On what grounds I can divorce her?

My grounds of divorce her are:

1. She is separate from me from last 2years?

2.I had doubt on her character.

3.She is well educated

4.She always scolds my family and me.

5.She made me and my family to come to court.

6.She showed her rude behaviour that she recorded her own husbands apolize in privacy.

7.I can`t bear that much of intellence of my wife.

8.She created a bad image of me and my parents infront of my relatives

9.She neglecting me and being with his father and brother.

10.I dont want any affidavit to be written for her protection.

How far above grounds are suitable for divorce.

What Power she can enjoy if she proves DV case on me.

What pre-step I can take for getting divorce.

 16 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     07 September 2011

your wife is lving apart from you since 2 years.  It is ground of desertion to go for divorce.

Doubt on Character ::  It is good ground of adulterly but it is very difficult. to prove itl.

Sameer12345 (SSE)     07 September 2011

You should fight the case with courage. No matter how long it goes on. File divorce case on one of the ground which you feel you can fight too against her in your city.

Let them run too. One day will come, Convince her to go for mutual contest divorce later on.

In DV case, She can ask for seperate residence to live, she can ask for maintanance. 

Never get agree to sign any paper, just for the peace for short time period.

Sameer12345 (SSE)     07 September 2011

About Recording, i dont know whether she knows or doesnt know, Recording should be there in the main device, Recording transfered to other device is not valid. You can say, its a edited one. its a fake. Hire a good lawyer.

She is doing this coz she has got a proof. But she is not realizing, such steps could break her marriage. 

You can concentrate on proving recording is a fake, modified one. Let the court decide what is the truth. But if recoding is in the main device than you will be caught in the court, so you should think of this situation as well. There will be no chance to survive, if she has kept the recording in the main device. You have to fulfil her needs like money, seperate residence etc. 

But no one can force you to live together with her. Not even judge.

nikhil ### (manager)     07 September 2011

Dear Sir,

                          Thank u Mr.Rajeev and  Mr. Sameer for ur valuable advice.................

Here after separation, I went to other state from andhra pradesh which takes two & half days to reach my wifies city and my parents also stays in other city which takes approx. 8hours of journey to reach my wife. Immediate after separation, I happenned to go for my job which is in other state and from 1.9years I am working their. Now my wife is saying that I had been abscond from my palce since 2years after separation. Before I really wanted not to say my living place, So didnt say her my living place but I called her on mobile for requesting her to be with me. I thought to say my living place if she agrees to come. But Now before few months, I also told my living Place.

1.Now if she files a case, then it will be hard for me to travel from my place, in thi situation what I must do?

2. If she proves her recordings as orginal then how I must I proceed?

3.In their is a situation to take her with me then how can I avoid it or signing the papers.

4. what about my parents where my wife is asking protection from them also who is living at different place from me.

5. In their is a situation to take her with me then how can my parents avoid it or signing the papers.

6.What I must do if she doesnt accept money or separate residence but she figth for reunion with me.

7. over all apart from 2years of separation, What are the grounds for me to divorce.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     07 September 2011

Let me start this reply by stating that wife-beating is always to be condemned. It may not be a crime, but it is a practise which should always be denounced.


Now I am answering your all queries in bold


1. If she proves Dv case, what will be myself and my families situation, is there will be arrest or not? if Yes how long?

There are no arrests in DV. A protection order can be passed against you and on breach of that protection order, you can be punished. The Protection Order can be in the shape of NOT REPEATING THE ACT OF VIOLANCE or whatever she is able to prove the need of.


2. Is legally affidavit is written by court or any one for protection of wife by husband and his family if she wants to reunion after proving Dv case? How she can get protection orders by court ?

By proving her charges, which she would be levelling on you.


At this situation I what To divorce her, On what grounds I can divorce her?

My grounds of divorce her are:

1. She is separate from me from last 2years?

Seperation on its own is no ground for divorce. Strictly speaking as you have accepted that you used to beat her is a sufficient ground for her to stay away from you. Try reconciliation and counselling for the benefit of both of you. BTW, a pertinent question, what were you doing for these two years? Waiting for her to file a case?


2.I had doubt on her character.

Doubt, Reasonable or unreasonable. What do you have to support your doubts, Doubts alone are no ground for divorce. Little sermonising - Trust, Love, Mutual Respect are the foundation of successful marriage. My marriage is also not successful, but doubt from my side was definately not the reason for its failure.


3.She is well educated

How can this be ground for divorce? This you would have known at the time of marriage. May be you are confusing it with maintenance and alimony. That is a diffirent subject, we can discuss seperately.


4.She always scolds my family and me.

Yes, this can be one of the grounds in mental cruelity.


5.She made me and my family to come to court.

Alone, this is no ground for cruelity.


6.She showed her rude behaviour that she recorded her own husbands apolize in privacy.

1000s of people record on this forum. They even record when they speak to me. No intrusion in privacy and no ground for divorce.


7.I can`t bear that much of intellence of my wife

What is it "inelligence"? I sincerely hope your next wife is not dumb, it is difficult to handle dumb people than intelligent people.


8.She created a bad image of me and my parents infront of my relatives

It can be a ground of divorce under mental cruelity. If the image portrayed is wrong and malafide.


9.She neglecting me and being with his father and brother.

Prove it, it is akin to proving desertion and it can be a ground for divorce.


10.I dont want any affidavit to be written for her protection.

This is something which you can choose, the court can impose its own conditions and the orders would be binding on both the parties.


How far above grounds are suitable for divorce.

I have explained all points.


What Power she can enjoy if she proves DV case on me.

As much as Pakistan enjoys over India and as much India enjoys over Pakistan. It's marriage pal, it is no war or power struggle.


What pre-step I can take for getting divorce.

No comments.


1.Now if she files a case, then it will be hard for me to travel from my place, in thi situation what I must do?

The courts are not bothered about this aspect. If you are called to attend, you better attend. However, if no cause of action has arisen in her place, then you can ask for transfer. However, as per jurisdiction of DV, she can file where she is residing and you would have to attend.


2. If she proves her recordings as orginal then how I must I proceed?

Admit, if it is true. Fight it out, if it is false. Though your lawyer would guide you how to dodge it and run the case for many years.


3.In their is a situation to take her with me then how can I avoid it or signing the papers.

First decide what do you want? If you don't want to stay with her, then why even think of it. If you want to stay with her, why even think of divorce. Go for conselling and mediation. After that try meeting marriage counsellors on regular basis. Compromise, Sacrifice, Space, Respect are additional words to make any relationship work. inculcate the same in your personality.


4. what about my parents where my wife is asking protection from them also who is living at different place from me.

That would not be enforceable. She might ask for moon, but she would get what is due to her. (I say so with some confidence, having stood in courts for so many times, in my case and also in cases of loads of friends fighting false cases)


5. In their is a situation to take her with me then how can my parents avoid it or signing the papers.

See answer to Point no 3.


6.What I must do if she doesnt accept money or separate residence but she figth for reunion with me.

:-) what is the question? Please elaborate


7. over all apart from 2years of separation, What are the grounds for me to divorce.

Cruelity, Mutual Consent and others listed in Hindu Marriage Act.




Shonee Kapoor

nikhil ### (manager)     07 September 2011

Dear Sir,

           Thank u Mr.Shonee Kapoor for clearing all my doubts.... Now I got clear idea of Law.

6.What I must do if she doesnt accept money or separate residence but she figth for reunion with me.

This means, By reading some forums, it is written that after wife filing a DV case then Husband also can file RCR with divorce, In this case, we may take more time for judgment . Eventhough I want divorce, She never accepts for it in mutual. If she proves the Dv case and wanted to reunion but I will not accept her and wanted to give maintence and separate residence rent to her. Is it will be possible ?

4.She always scolds my family and me.

Yes, this can be one of the grounds in mental cruelity.

 For this answer I didnt have any proofs to prove it.  but it true, So can I file it in my case or not, How long it will withstand? And I had recordings of her after separation when I called her that every time she use to scold my parents but covered it by saying my parents  mistake towards her at that moment were I argued with her. I thinks this recording may not be use full. How can I deal this Piont?

8.She created a bad image of me and my parents infront of my relatives

It can be a ground of divorce under mental cruelity. If the image portrayed is wrong and malafide.

She created a bad image but not exactly by wrong and malafide. As per one of my relative,She also recorded all call of my relatives also, where they asked my wife to leave all issue and reunion with me. In this process my father`s brother, cousin brother and sister are involved were one of my father`s cousin tried to convience them for more for divorce or less for reunion.  Now she is manuplating that my parents and myself asking for divorce in name of third party which she is not willing.

                                     I dont have exact evidence to prove above point  because no relative is interested to come to court.  If they come to court and says anything opposite to my wife then How long this wittness can be withstand? All are my same surname or blood related.

9.She neglecting me and being with his father and brother.

Prove it, it is akin to proving desertion and it can be a ground for divorce.

       I think one chance to prove.Please say me, if it suites. Here After 8months of our marriage my wife`s mother got ill and after that she had been expired. In this process she left my working place and went to her house for 4months . After that she is with me for 10months and we shifted to her parents house to suport her family  and also in search of good job were I am jobless from 4months and after this again she had been separated from  me because I felt her in her parents house and went to my house. Now 2years of our separation. And she is with her brother and father n cooking for them. How long this reason can be proved infront the court?

                              She had any chance to prove that because of my ill treatment only she is living with her family.

4. what about my parents where my wife is asking protection from them also who is living at different place from me.

That would not be enforceable. She might ask for moon, but she would get what is due to her. (I say so with some confidence, having stood in courts for so many times, in my case and also in cases of loads of friends fighting false cases)

In this case also she proves that my parents are ill treating in some case then court has chance to give protection for her in towards my parents along with me or not?

Sir, the DV case on me may be filed in police station according to my relatives informations. If it is true what should I do apart from appointing a lawyer because I am far away and My parents are also far from my wife`s city. In this case, from which place I can appoint a lawyer( from my parent`s city or  my wife`s city). Is it advisable for me to go for police station and have discussions?

How I must behave infront of police officers or infront of court people?

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     07 September 2011



If you have no proofs, it is difficult for the court to consider it as true.


No need to go to police station at all. Behave normally, rationally and confidently at all places.


revolutionary (NA)     07 September 2011

Dear Mr Kapoor

   I believe you have suffered too under these draconian laws. I agree to the fact that wife beating needs to be condemmned. But just a thought, what would you do if the wife becomes abusive and also in the heat of anger slaps the husband. The husband should just silently bear the insult?

Even after all what a guy goes through in providing for his wife, the demands do not cease. And yet, the girl could go and file DV if the husband requests her to limit her expenses.

Currently, I am also awaiting a DV case to be filed against me and knowing her parents are well connected in Delhi, they would make sure that I suffer, but I have decided that no matter what I would fight for justice and not give into their demands. I dont know the intricacies of legal system nor i am politically connected , but I am sure if my path is right others in similar situtation would join and we would raise awareness make a difference in our own little way.


Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     07 September 2011

Dear Mr Kapoor

   I believe you have suffered too under these draconian laws. I agree to the fact that wife beating needs to be condemmned. But just a thought, what would you do if the wife becomes abusive and also in the heat of anger slaps the husband. The husband should just silently bear the insult?

Yes, I have suffered the burnt of all these draconian laws, my fight is still on and would carry on till justice is delievered. There is a diffirence in beating a wife and saving oneself from any onslaught. I hope you know the diffirence. I am not taking any moral high ground, try not to say, what I don't follow revolutionary. I have well defended physical acts myself, without beating my wife. :-)


Even after all what a guy goes through in providing for his wife, the demands do not cease. And yet, the girl could go and file DV if the husband requests her to limit her expenses.

Currently, I am also awaiting a DV case to be filed against me and knowing her parents are well connected in Delhi, they would make sure that I suffer, but I have decided that no matter what I would fight for justice and not give into their demands. I dont know the intricacies of legal system nor i am politically connected , but I am sure if my path is right others in similar situtation would join and we would raise awareness make a difference in our own little way.

  No Problem buddy, I am there if you need any help in any learnings or any other matter related to Matrimonial matters. I am also based out of Delhi. You can contact me any time of need.




Shonee Kapoor

dv case means she is talking money... everything else is meaningless... start same language if you like...



Dear Shonee,

Are you the same as Shoneek on other sites. If you are, then my hats off to you sir. May God be with us!!



nikhil ### (manager)     09 September 2011

Dear Sir,

           Here I also tried for money settlement through my known friends but she refused it and not even talking about it and she is conveying that she wants to live with me as per marriage bond but in same time she want protection for her from me and my parents. Upto my knowledge she is not money minded . I think she wants to take Protection order from court and wants to play game with me and my family. How can I avoid this situation in court.

             Please help me friends...........

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     10 September 2011

Rocky, I am the same person


Nikhil, which city/ state you are in?




Shonee Kapoor

nikhil ### (manager)     10 September 2011

Dear Mr.Shonee,

 I am from AP hyderabad. So I am also in ur position. Thus please suggest me my next step.

Shonee, Now she may file DV case in police station on me and my parents. Is she have chance to get protection order from court? I heared that in police station without  filing FIR ,police can give Binding order as first warning and as well as protection to women. Is is  correct? What are the merits n demerits if we write binding order.?

If my wife ask for it, then what must I do? Is their any chance for me to get divorce from these all problems? Or I must bond again with my wife/knife?

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