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josh777_123 (n/a)     12 February 2009

Got notice from income tax office , how to respond

I am living in chennai since 2004 and have been filing my IT returns from chennai since 2005.
Recently  mumbai Income tax office sent a notice to my mumbai home address to be present in their office and present the IT returns for assessement year 2005-2006(I got my PAN from mumbai since my permanent address is mumbai address)
The time to be present in the mumbai IT office is already lapsed.It was supposed to be on 16th jan 2009 but when i visited the last week of January I came to know about it.
Now I am back in chennai, Now what should I do ?
1) should I ignore the notice since i have already filed IT returns for AY 2005-2006 in chennai ?
2) should I sent the copy of IT returns for AY 2005-2006 by registered post to the mumbai income tax office ?
3) Any other solution to the above issue ?


 12 Replies

A V Vishal (Advocate)     12 February 2009

Dear Josh:

Nothing to worry since you are filing your returns in Chennai. Anyway, you send a reply to the notice explaining him the facts along with a copy of the Income Tax  return for the assessment year in question. Also, copy of the notice sent by the ITO must be enclosed along with your reply. . If you have friends or family in Mumbai ask them to visit the concerned Tax office and file the reply in person in the Inward section and obtain an acknowledgement. In case there is no one who can do it for you at Mumbai, I suggest you send the reply  as a registered Acknowledge ment Due post, Don't send it by courier. The notice sent to you is routine and hence no need to panic. I advise that you must have your address changed in the Income Tax records for change in the current address by filing a 49 A for correction in data. This will suffice the matter.

josh777_123 (n/a)     12 February 2009

Thanks Vishal for the reply and suggestions.I will follow your instructions.




A V Vishal (Advocate)     12 February 2009

My pleasure


Dear Josh

What A V Vishal has suggested is quite sufficient, but you have not quoted the section under which the said notice has benn furnished by the Income Tax  Department. we have to take into consideration the post consequences of laps of time period. please furnish in detail if possible.

josh777_123 (n/a)     13 February 2009

The notice is served under  SECTION 142(1) OF THE INCOME TAX ACT,1961.

I have already sent the copy of the return for AY 2005-2006 along with the copy of the notice today by speed post -acknowledgment.




A V Vishal (Advocate)     13 February 2009

Mr Gupta:

I think that it is a clear case of routine correspondence by the department. The assessee has stated clearly that he has applied for a PAN in Mumbai and since 2004 he is working at Chennai. Probably he was filing his return at Mumbai. Since the assessee has not filed in Mumbai the computer has recognised and sent a routine letter u/s. 142 asking to comply with the statutory requirement unless the Assessee has contracted any transaction under AIR(Annual Information Report). There is no consequences of lapse of time period.


Dear Mr Vishal

what you are saying is correct , ofcourse may it be a year ending process.

will you please answer the querry which i posted yesterday regarding ITR V submission.

A V Vishal (Advocate)     13 February 2009

Dear Gupta:


What is your query regarding ITR V submission. Where can I find it


Dear Vishal

you can get in open query section

A V Vishal (Advocate)     16 February 2009

Sorry Mr Gupta I could not locate your query. Please mail the query to

Thanks & Regards

Bhavin (self employed)     14 March 2009

I want revised  Service tax

A V Vishal (Advocate)     14 March 2009

What revised service tax ? Do you want the rate then it is 10.3% w.e.f 24-02-2009.

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