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RAM DEO KAKRA (ADVOCATE )     26 August 2008

fraudlent registration of registered document

whats the remedy to cancell thefraudlent registered document and limitation preiod counted from which date.whats to do if 3 years passed of such registration whereas i came to know just 6 mont back.


 13 Replies

mahesh (Advocate)     26 August 2008

the cancellation of the document has to be done only by an order of the court. you can file the case within three years from the date of knowledge of such fradulant transaction.

as you have told that you came to know about the transaction only about six months back you can file the suit.

if you are filing a suit for declaration that declaring you as a absolute owner and consequentail releif of cancellation of the sale deed then the limitation is 12 years.

RAM DEO KAKRA (ADVOCATE )     27 August 2008

THANKS Mr. MAHESH.THE OTHER GUY WHO MISUSED THIS FOURM HEREBY REQUESTED TO CONTACT ME AT MY EMAIL ADDRESS and give me more advice disclosing his identity.there is no place of such nonsense act. i am restricted my practice to taxation only hence if i ask for a problem it does not mean that i did something wrong. no .of points never decide the gentleman approch.managment running this club shoudnot ignore such childish activities.

RAM DEO KAKRA (ADVOCATE )     27 August 2008

there should be some rules for guest query and ans.aswell otherwise such nonsense persons make habit to throw stone on ur premises and disappear.consider carefully my sugessetion and all friends are requested to share their views on this problem.thanks

RAM DEO KAKRA (ADVOCATE )     27 August 2008

i joined this club to share my problem aswellas to give my views and answer to taxation querry of fellow members but it appears that i did mistake.

RAM DEO KAKRA (ADVOCATE )     27 August 2008

the guest replied first at 7.49 pm and latter at  10.39pm.approx 3hour latter.and his 2nd reply it self ask a question and let give him ur valued answer.and oblige.hi...all.thanks

RAM DEO KAKRA (ADVOCATE )     27 August 2008

guest given his emal address yeababy lets rock he joined this club and ans. and doing fun.a serious querry cancellationprocess of forgrd registered document looks  funny query.

GOPI KRISHNA (ADVOCATE)     27 August 2008

this forum is meant for sharing our knowledge and not to criticise the other members and what ever our criticism, shoud be in the right spirit and reply to Mr Kakra's quiery is dissappointing.

i hope this will not repeat again

Ravi Arora (Advocate)     27 August 2008

well it is a place where we advocates share our problems. it may be possibe that one thing is very simple for on side of advocate, but at the same time it may be difficult for some other brother, it was very shocking as well as shameful comment. guest should be debarred from answer the questions, and we all must condemn it

prof s c pratihar ( urologist &legal studies)     27 August 2008

dear mr kakra,
i must share yr sentiment.the forum is a place for advancement of learning.see what reply he has given when i posted a problem regarding public officer and macbeth shakespeare wrote"unholy deeds dobreed unnarural problems----infected mind to there deaf pillows ; to discharge their secreats------ more need she THY DIVINE THAN PHYCIAN"you must have spirited mind to ignore.i shall be happy if you write a small reply. all of us with you.drscpratihar

prof s c pratihar ( urologist &legal studies)     27 August 2008

unnatural troubles--------physician------drscp

K.C.Suresh (Advocate)     28 August 2008

Perversion is inborn. You may not distroy the mirror for the face you have. Don't allowe code names in the club forums. Disclose the ful identity. "Do not matter does not matter" guests may strictly be avoided as they  have no identity. The LCI must seriously think of censoring questions and answers of persons who are annonymous and  pseudonymuos. Now I feel fear to answer as some scrupules one come on the area to redicule the proffessionals who are noble minded always. So stop the unwanted comments and answers

advocate jain (advocate)     28 August 2008

from the date of knowledge u can file a case that is the remedy

advocate jain (advocate)     28 August 2008

u r right mr ravi arora


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