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Abhay (ABC)     27 December 2009

Learned members URGENT opinion sought

Dear Members,

Your views and opinion sought on the following case:

1. Through arranged marriage, a girl is married by her parents to a boy who along with his parents are residing in the same town in 2004. Decent amount of money was spent on the marriage and the dowry.  Elder sister of the boy is a foreign citizen and is residing and working in her adopted country for 10-12 years alongwith her husband and children. The other sister also is permanent residence holder of that foreign country.

2. By the end of 2004 the couple are blessed with a baby boy. The girl along with the newly born are dumped at her parents' house. About a month later, the girl's sister in laws come to visit India and call the girl's parents to their house where they along with the boy and his parents list out their demands along with complaints of their monetary expectations not having been met. They did not even allow the parents to meet the girl.

3. Subsequent to this meeting all the contacts of the girl with her parents and other relatives were broken. Her mobile and other landline numbers were disconnected. Common family friends tried to counsel the boy and his family but they would not listen. Everyone advised the girl's parents that as boy and his family were not allowing the girl to meet her parents, the parents should let the things settle down and not try to see or meet the girl as with the passage of time things would improve. The girl also did not protest much as she wanted her matrimonial home to remain intact.

4. After things not improving and not having seen their daughter for more than a year, in the end of 2005 the girl's parents again went to their daughter's matrimonial home uninvited. During this meeting they were abused and manhandled by the boy and the dowry demand reiterated by the boy which was recorded. In 2006 the couple are again blessed with their second baby boy. The girl's parents are again not allowed to meed the daughter or her new borns.

5. In Feb/Mar 2007 the girl is not traceable. As earlier, the girl's parents saw her at least from outside her matrimonial home when they passed by that road. On asking her husband on his mobile, the girl's parents were told it was NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS to enquire about their daughter as she was now his wife and that she did not wish to meet them. When even through common friends he did not divulge the whereabouts of the girl and the kids, the parents of the girl got worried about her safety and lodged a police complaint. The police itself filed an FIR on that basis. The boy went underground and applied for an anticipatory bail. The boy's other sister who was in India kept dodgning the police about his whereabouts. The matter proceeded to court after he was granted bail (the girl's parents were not informed about by the police or the court about the bail application). There he told the court that the girl was in the same foreign country where his elder sister was a citizen. He produced in COurt affidavits signed by the girl under pressure stating that she was ok and that she did not want to meet her parents.In the meantime, the police and the Public prosecutor both connived with the boy and the police investigations were completely one-sided and recommended quashing of the FIR. The Court ordered the girl to be produced. In the meantime, the boy misled the girl's parents to withdraw the case and that he would produce the girl in India. As soon as this was stated in the court, the guy flew to his elder sister in the foreign country.

6. The girl's parents realised that they had been misled and filed an application with the HC which again relied on the affidavits of the girl under pressure and the parents lost the case there. The parents filed a case with the SC and again lost the case on the basis of the girl's affidavits under pressure.

7. Eventually during the end of 2008, the girl managed to inform the police of the foreign country and was rescued with her two children and given accomodation in womens refuge. The boy immediately took restraining orders for the children to not be removed out of that foreing country. The police investigations were not very encouraging as they donot have believe in any such thing as dowry, or harassment or killing for it. The girl fought the case with the help of a legal aid lawyer against the boy who had hired the top most Lawyer who generally fought murder and other complex cases. The legal aid lawyer clearly told the girl not to expect much from her as she was not paid enough for her legal aid work.

7. In the meantime, the boy produces a false medical certificate dated 2006 from India stating that the girl was suffering possibly from schizophrenia. The foreign Court because of his reputed lawyer as against her legal aid lawyer and because of the false medical report turned more favourable towards the boy. The girl knew that she was trying to be portrayed as mentally unstable so that not only she loses the custody of the children but also that whatever DV and other charges she presses against him are not believed by the court. She got indications that she would be made to undergo examination in a Psychiatric hospital in that foreign country where the boy and his sisters had already made pre-arrangements in that hospital and that she would be held back there. She decided to fight the case from India. But before that to prove herself she got herself examined by an independent and qualified psychiatrist there and also in India on her return. SHE CAME TO INDIA WITH A HEAVY HEART as she was forced to leave her children behind because of the restraining order on the children prohibiting their removal from that foreign country. After her return to India, the foreign country family court , decided in favour of the boy and the girl's independent medical reports obtained by her both from the foreign country and India were not taken into consideration by the court.

8. Again in India, the police which had already been bought over by the boy was uncooperative. The girl also came to know that the I.O (Investigating officer) who was earlier handling the complaint/FIR filed by her parents was a long time friend of the boy and that is the reason the FIR quashing was recommended earlier by the police. The girl has filed cases in the family/sessions court with very long dates. The boy and his family in the foreign country donot accept the summons from the court and the summons are returned undelivered.


1. If the girl was mentally unsound in 2006 as claimed by the false medical document produced by the boy, HOW COME her affidavits obtained under pressure and produced by the boy in the court during that time were valid?

2. The boy used the tactic of using Indian documents in the foreign country and foreign documents in India fully knowing that there was no independent and reliable mechanism in either of the countries to get those documents verified in the other country.

3. There has been no action taken against his friend -the investigating officer who earlier prepared the report for quashing of the FIR filed by her parents despite the girl having filed a complaint against the IO on her return. Instead the boy and his family are instead sending false and imaginary complaints to the local police through email that they are being harassed by the girl and her family and that they even tried to break the locks of the matrimonial home etc.etc. And as expected, the biased police listened to their complaint and not the girl's complaints.

4. The girl feels helpless as the legal process may take years and years. She has lost everything - does not have the children with her who are too young to live without their mother, lost on all her career opportuninties for all these years.

5. The guilty are scott free and enjoying their lives abroad and the girl hear sees no end to her travails with the judicial process likely to take years to come to conclusion and even after that there is no surety that she would get her children back and the guilty punished. JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED. Is it not? The boy and the rest of his family are trying to get the foreign country citizenship and as soon as they get it they would be out of the purview of Indian law.

We say that there are so many laws in favour of girls. But what use are those laws when they are so conveniently and easily manipulated by anyone with the help of the corrupt police and elements in the judiciary?



 10 Replies


this story seems false n concotated. its commom for girls parents to file such false cases against boys wen they r losing the case.

Abhay (ABC)     28 December 2009

Dear Ms. Kaur,

First of all its not a story that you just read. It is the real life of a girl who has been wronged not only by the corrupt police but also the corrupt people in the legal system.

If you donot have any valid advice to offer at least do not belittle what the innocent girl has had to suffer all these years. And also you are trying to cast aspersions on your fellow members like me that false and concocted stories are being posted. I find your reply not only discouraging but also unfortunate.

Countless girls suffer in this country because of this attitude - Chalta hae attitute and taking things for granted - ki yeh toh false hee hoga!!!


Binod Kumar Mishra (Government Service)     28 December 2009

Mr. ABC,

i am fully agree with the view of Avinash Kaur. he is right. yes definately everything is not a story but out of 1000 cases 10 cases are right and the rest are false.

as far as i think, this forum is for the people who came here for opinion and advice but please be practical and loyal to the forum (this is my personal opinion).

Hardik Mehta (Family Counsellor)     29 December 2009


Which country is the boy at present and where is the girl? Secondly, how did they get there when the boy was in India? Who gave the passport and the required Visa?

If the boy is present in the country then how the girl is out of the country? There are some unanswered questions. If you answer them, then further help can be sorted.

Abhay (ABC)     29 December 2009

@ Mr. Mishra, Dear Mr. Mishra your reply like Ms. Kaur's reply does not answer or provide the advice sought. Rather both of you are pointing fingers without even properly reading the case. I really doubt even if you have read the entire case. Both of you are trying to shoot the messenger instead of getting into what the message is all about. I like any other member on this website am both practical and loyal to the forum and my community of legal professionals. @ Mr. Mehta. Dear Mr. Mehta, Thanks for your reply Sir. The boy is in NZ and the girl is back in India because there were credible indications that through their manipulations they would prove her mentally unstable in NZ. They had earlier arranged for a false medical certificate from India stating that there is a possibility of the girl suffering from schizophernia whereas the girl never heard of the hospital or the doctor's name mentioned in the false certificate. They went to NZ on visitors visa on the pretext of visiting his elder sis who is a NZ citizen. He later applied and got NZ Permanent Residence permit for himself and the children but not for the girl. She was made to apply for a work permit and not PR. The girl was rescued by the NZ police along with the kids and was arranged to stay in womens refuge. But because of their manipulations, she had to return to India and fight her case from India. But the entire process is discouraging. The police has not cooperated in order to cover up their previous mishandling (the boy through his political contacts got his childhood friend transferred to Gurgaon as the Investigating officer of the previous complaint/FIR filed by her parents). It feels disheartening to hear the responses of fellow members like Ms. Kaur and Mr. Mishra because the are doubting the authenticity whereas the girl in question is my sister. One can only feel the level of corruption and how it affects us when we ourselves become victims to it. When you see your lawyer (one after the other) being bought over by the other party...

Vikas Dharmendra (Consultant)     29 December 2009

Now what is remedy,, what she and her paternal family wants??

Binod Kumar Mishra (Government Service)     30 December 2009

Dear Mr. Abhay,


Thank you very much for appreciating the views of mine and avinash jee accoding to your suitability. i have once again read the entire story. can you tell me why at each and every step the girl was defeated by the legal process also even at the helm of apex court too.

2) yes if the boy got anticipatory bail, what is the problem with that. everyone get through it and this is the process.

3) according to you the IO was friend of the boy.  Mr. Abhay i can provide you more than 500 examples with evidance where the girl family (whose story was ditto as provided by you) has tortured the boys family and a lot/bunch of boys have committed sucide due to social prestige. lost their job. even the top brass and apex court of the country is seriously thinking to amend the law favouring girls.


please don't take my words so arrogantly and if the above story is true there is a least possibilities to you to get releif according to your desire/suitability. this is the core fact, accept it.


please don't abuse the forum.

Abhay (ABC)     30 December 2009

Dear Mr. Mishra,


First things first. I am not being arrogant. In fact it is you and Ms. Kaur who have been arrogant that both of you have at the outset cast aspersions on what your fellow members write. In fact I request you to not abuse the forum by pointing fingers at your fellow members. You are being judgemental here. If you dont have any valid suggestion to give, then you dont even any right to give your judgement whether the post is true or not. That was not the point on which I had sought advice. So please ignore this post and read the TRUE (as per you) posts. I had asked for advice and NOT judgement whether the case is true or false. I will seek genuine advice from genuine people.


Thanks for your time anyways.



Hardik Mehta (Family Counsellor)     31 December 2009


This would be the international fight. I would suggest you to file the case of furnishing false documents and frogery on that Hospital and the Doctor for giving false certificate. The girl will then have to take the new medical certificate of the Civil Hospital in India and then go to NZ and ask for the custody of the children. She has to go to NZ as the DV victim, where she will get the benefits. The summons can also be served to the husband and her sister for via the Hague Convensation. This is the case of fraud and once the frogery agains the doctor is out, the same way, RCN against the Husband can be put. This will bring him back to India along with the kids. This will also cost considerable amount of money.

Sushil Wagh (LAW STUDENT)     04 February 2010

Please do not send any details to Shri Binod Kumar, he shows that he has knowledge and can do many things to help you. In the end he says he is a professional and needs to take help from his guru and that will take fees. Last you wont get any help from him and he will avoid you with all flimsy reasons. Please dont fall into this trap.

Get help from a lawyer here, much better and straight forward  and to the mark,

With regards,

Sushil Wagh

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