Originally posted by : SinghSingh |
Sir, I could not understand, attachment of her property. Pl explain Sir.
In my house, I am working and my wife is housewife. Since begining, I have made all my Bank Accounts joint and all purchased properties joint. But loans etc. I am repaying......... My children study in Secondary Section and soon going to be in Class VIII. What a bad effect, this may have on their mind due to ego of in laws?
What are the grounds of harasment by my wife side TO ME? |
In the suit I mentioned, i.e, Restitution of Decree, if the judgment is pronounced in your favour, even then your wife can not be forced to live with you. If she refuses, the court will attach any property in her name, which will be liable to be sold, etc. if she does not comply with the decree.
Also, you are right about the effects of such situations on the tender minds of children but there is nothing apart from mutual consent or family negotiations that you can do to repair your marriage. Grounds of harassment is an issue we would have considered when you wanted a divorce but here you seem to be interested in reconciliation more and I would say rightfully so, given the condition of the children.
However, still if it later comes to a divorce situation, desertion, mental cruelty, wrongfuly restraining you from access to your children, all this can be contested upon.