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False 498 3/4 dowry case

Page no : 2

Sandy (AST)     05 October 2014

May I know what is DP3 Case?

AS   05 October 2014

DP3 is nothing man. It was a tool in back 2007 to fight false 498A . It was started by Adv Pradip nawani . He jailed Father and realtives of girl , but later some supreme court judgement came and in favour of girl side ..from there DP3 filling on Girl stop working ....

better file some other counter case .

Sandy (AST)     05 October 2014

May I know What kind of Counter Case? My In-Laws is working in Gov. sector then what could be the Action from our end?

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     05 October 2014

Wait for the case to appear in the court and then think about proper strategies to tackle them and challenge the case.

AS   05 October 2014


I agree with T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate .

Let them come in court and say lie . If they speak lie in black and white , then you can hit them hard counter case like 340. 

Although I wont recommend 340 when 498A is running, because it will stop 498A proceedings. Your target should be get aquittal from 498A first then file Perjury , 

But filling Perjury in any other case Like DV or 125 is best for you.

Sandy (AST)     06 October 2014

I came to know that she file 2 case, I have some Doubt Please clarify.

My wife filled 2 Case:

1) Dowry under 498A,406,34 and 3/4. (Stage: Under Investigation, FIR in 0 ground and send it to my Native not where she lived last time that is Pune)

2) RCR (Sections 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act,1955) at her native in Family Court 

I have filled RCR (Sections 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act,1955) at Pune (Matrimonial home) in Family Court .

Question: what would be the future as per her both case? can she file both case together?

Sandy (AST)     06 October 2014

Experts Please clarify my Doubt? I heard from one SIF member he told that she should not do, As per the High court judgement she should withdraw 498A case...I hope?

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     06 October 2014

Originally posted by : Sandy

Experts Please clarify my Doubt? I heard from one SIF member he told that she should not do, As per the High court judgement she should withdraw 498A case...I hope?

why should you bother wha she should or should not do. You have to keep your defence sound and break charges.

Sandy (AST)     06 October 2014

@ Sudhir Sir : Can IO can close the case, if we provide the valid proof against her?

She has given all false statement. How can i proof that we have not done anything or I have we have not tourher her for Dowry and all?

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     07 October 2014

In 498a case no IO will dare to close case like this.

Sandy (AST)     07 October 2014

Some thing I heard B Report? what is mean? when it will apply?

Sandy (AST)     08 December 2014

now she filled DV case as well.

she filled total three case (I am providing below as step by step she filled) on me and my family.

1) 498A, 406,34 and 3/4

2) RCR

3) DV case under Section 12.

how should I process, Can I go for Quash of 498A and DV?

Dear Experts,


My wife left Bangalore on June Month, she given application for 498A in July month and FIR for 498A,406,34 and 3/4 logged in September Month. after 498A she files RCR on me and in the month of November she filles DV case. Detail are given below.


I file RCR on my wife and My Wife files three cases on me and my family.


1) 498A against 4 member (me,mother,father,sister) of my family.


2) RCR on me.


3) DV case on 6 member (me,mother,father,sister,my brother and sister in-law) of my family.


Question: 1) what is the impact on my cases when she file RCR.


Question: 2) I want to go for Quash DV case because my wife was staying with me in Bangalore. she wanted me us to harass mentally, physically , economically that's why she filled all person name.


Note: My Sister stay with me, My mother and father came Bangalore for Medical and they stay with us approx 1.5 month. my brother and sister in-law never stay with us. all cases in different state. no case in Bangalore.

AS   09 December 2014

Hi Sandy - I received your number , Will call you some time tomorrow.

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