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Chetan Singh (SE)     24 March 2012

Divorce is now easy

शुक्र है, अब तलाक लेना हुआ ज्‍यादा आसान

आपकी शादी अगर बर्बादी में तब्दील हो चुकी है, तो उससे पीछा छुड़ाना अब आसान हो गया है. केंद्रीय कैबिनेट ने मैरिज एक्ट में संशोधन को मंजूरी दे दी है.

इसके मुताबिक तलाक की अर्जी देने के बाद कई महीनों का इंतजार जरूरी नहीं रह जाएगा. मैरिज एक्‍ट में बदलाव की कुछ मुख्‍य बातें ये हैं:

-तलाक के लिए जरूरी शर्तों में एक नई शर्त शामिल की गई है. अगर शादी की ऐसी हालत हो गई है, जिसमें सुधार की कोई गुंजाइश न बची हो, तो इस शर्त के तहत अगर पत्नी तलाक की अर्जी देती है, तो पति विरोध दर्ज नहीं करा सकता. लेकिन अगर पति की अर्जी है और पत्नी ने विरोध दर्ज करा दिया है, तो कोर्ट उस पर विचार करेगा.

-तलाक तो जल्दी मिलेगा, लेकिन अब तलाक के बाद पत्नी का हक आपकी उस संपत्ति पर भी होगा, जो आपने शादी के बाद जुटाई है. पत्नी को कितनी संपत्ति मिलेगी, इसका फैसला कोर्ट करेगा.


 3 Replies


Dear Chetan,

I am against the amendment,as it gives wider advantage to the women,in this modern age of deteroriating marriage values by both the genders.It is the jurisdiction of the judge to sanction divorce,even on the smallest pretext,which could have been solved by proper councelling.Even though she is well employed,she has a right over half share of the property the husband has acquired during their married life.It will be a shock to many  male querists ,who have  been posting their cases in the forum.


Both are right, It depend on circumtances.

In some condition mr. Sainath is absolutly correct.



Thank you Mr. Prajapathi,

 Legal formalities have been made easy for women to act as they like,only those who are after divorce.Can anyone explain how many 498 A and DV cases are genuine? As per my knowledge hardly 30%.Both man and woman are equally responsible for break ups in marriages.Leave aside the other members of the families.When both of them have agreed to leave a happy married life,the other problems can be sorted out mutually.It is a pity that does not happen.OK let us wait and see what is in store for the future.

Though a lawyer by profession,for any case at the first instance I put in my efforts for a mutual councelling,if that fails,only then I file the case on behalf of my client.In in my queries I first try to educate the querists.


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