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Rahul Kumar (Business Analyst)     28 November 2012

Counter attack

My wife's father has filed false FIR against me and my family u/s 498A, 323, 506, 504 and 313 in Meerut. But later on sections 313 and 506 were dropped in chargesheet filed with court as the evidences given by my in-laws did not support their allegations that my family had beaten my wife so she suffered miscarriage. My family got regular bail this month. Now I'm planning to file three counter cases against her and her family u/s IPC315,202,120-B and another one u/s IPC 211, 500,384,120-B and lat one under DP-3.

1. My family is against my decision of launching counter cases as they think that she can act od committing suicide and file another case of 498A and can get our bail cancelled. Is this possible?

I'm of the view that this is not possible for her to file another case of 498A and I should proceed with my plan of filing counter cases.

What should i do? Please advise.



 4 Replies

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     28 November 2012

The cases you are saying can not be filed by you at this stage.


Better concentrate on the defence.

3 Like

stanley (Freedom)     28 November 2012

Free yourself from the charges . Seeking revenge by filing counter cases is not good for the mind and body which only will only drain you out financially and you would have to spend years in court cases . The same time can be utilised fruitfully rather than keeping your mind occupied with the counter cases .

mschakravarthy (manager)     07 December 2012

Counter Cases are only for persons whose nerves are made of steel and have the inner ability to focus the path of truth outwardly behave as if false person. mostly women takes advantage using false98a tool for men being good,honest,true etc. so my insight suggest offence is a best tool.

Secret is women depend on men!

Example: In universe there was female energy first then formed male


Munirathnam (Scientist)     07 December 2012

I say that use wife criminal case against her and her witnesses by seeking further investigation (which may be fresh investigation that may start upon counter case) and get out of the case which could easily put wife and her witnesses in the bad position.


Hence before filing any counter case take remedy using the section 173(8) of CrPC and section 91 of CrPC to collect the evidence and to bring the truth before the court and police and close the cases against your family. Later you may prefer what you need.

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