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salila (student)     22 July 2014

Chq forgery

is the folloing rule of ipc is not applicable in blank chq filling unauthorised .pl put any high/supreme court case.a blank chq does not mean  a legally opened dacoity.thankstion 464 in The Indian Penal Code

464 Making a false document. — 341 [A person is said to make a false document or false electronic record— First —Who dishonestly or fradulently—

(a) makes, signs, seals or executes a document or part of a document;

(c) A picks up a cheque on a banker signed by B, payable to bearer, but without any sum having been inserted in the cheque. A fraudulently fills up the cheque by inserting the sum of ten thousand rupees. A commits forgery.


 3 Replies

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     23 July 2014

Dear Querist

this section may be used against the person who commit forgery before criminal court. because this is a non-cognizable offence and police have no power to registered FIR, the police may file NCR against this information.

The person who commit this offence may prosecuted under this section before Criminal court after filing the complaint u/s 190/200 of Cr.P.C.

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salila (student)     25 July 2014

it means filling cheque only sec 87 ni act but sec 464 ipc would operate.may i also request to send the in sec 73 evidence for FSL exam ?

salila (student)     01 August 2014


    pl mention the procedure in sec 313,315 crpc to be followed .to give list of witnesses from defence side

and by calling through court --has to give separate list in court at time of 313 or guide

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