My father passed away this year and he had a HUF property. As he has left no will, my legal advisor asked me to create a family membership certificate attested by the local court and executed by the Disctrict Magistrate of Kanpur so that I could operate the bank account of the HUF as the acting KARTA, me being the eldest male of the family. Please let me know if i need to posses any legal document to declare myself as the next KARTA for the same HUF account for any other legal matters like selling the HUF property. For eg. My father had invested some money into government bonds under the HUF account. How do i legally convey them that I am the new KARTA and how do i redeem the bonds after they are expired. Please let me know if the FAMILY MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATE is enough to prove my identity as the new KARTA or i have to posses any other legal document for the same ?
Moreover i do not want to file for succession in court because my legal advisor advised me that it takes a lot of time and the expenses are huge. Please assist..