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shiv sharma (NA)     06 April 2011

Bearer cheque towards advance for official tour

I had applied for advance for official tour. When I didn't receive any response I filed an RTI application to know the status of my application. After that, I was called by the finance officer and told that somaone named xxxxx has taken my cheque. They basically want to say that they gave the cheque on faith basis to that person assuming that the cheque will be given to me. I don't know the person xxxxx. The cheque was non-account payee bearer cheque.

Please advice what should I do. regards, Shiv

 5 Replies

kumar (NIL)     06 April 2011

Dear Shiva,

Have you tried to Find out the deails with your Finance Offier ! And try to take the cheque details which was issued by your finance department and  (if possible try to take xerox copy of cheque), and ask you finance officer to stop / cancell the cheque which was issued by them. First of all you have a right to ask you higher officials, that how can they will give your cheque to someone without any intimation to you.


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AAK (Advocate)     06 April 2011

Certainly you have right to claim that amount. Intimate concerned officers regarding the said issue. It is negligence of the finance department and you are having right to claim the amount.

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Kumar Doab (FIN)     07 April 2011

You have filed application under RTI.

They are under obligation to reply in writing.

You may supply letter in reference to your RTI application and mention that you have not received any reply and you are enclosing self addressed postage prepaid envelope for reply of your RTI aplication by registered post only, and obtain acknowledgment.

Don't fall into the trap. RTI application reply is not given on phone.

Advances are not granted by bearer cheque.

Your office is covering their malpractices.

Chase them with gentle reminders and escalate your greivance to superiors.

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shiv sharma (NA)     08 April 2011

Originally posted by :Kumar Doab

Advances are not granted by bearer cheque.

Dear Kumarji,

Please elaborate this in terms of some rule/regulation.

regards, Shiv.



k.kumar raja (advocate)     10 April 2011

mr.kumar doab is very follow the instructions.

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