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Advocate Garvit Vinayak (Advocate)     20 May 2012

Anticipatory bail u/s 420,468.471/34

I need to to know some judgements and arguements to be addressed to court for anticipatory bail application in f.i.r lodged under section 420,468,471/34 i.p.c


 4 Replies

Adv.R.P.Chugh (Advocate/Legal Consultant (     20 May 2012

Can't comment unless we know the facts. 

Advocate Garvit Vinayak (Advocate)     20 May 2012

have not recvd copy of  F.I.R  yet.....!!!!!

Rajeev Kumar (Lawyer/Advocate)     20 May 2012

Without knowing the seriousness of allegation. we are unable to comment.

Keanusathya (Sr Consultant)     21 May 2012

Hi Expert Team,

I was married during Oct 2011 and immediately after marriage, I took my wife along to a different country. During our stay there I had real tough time dealing with her. Due to her temperment, behaviour and character. We had argument due to which a fight broke and she filed a case (Domestic Voilence) here against me here and flew to India while the case was still going (Jan 2012). I had pleeded guilty due to which a final judgement was given here which states that I should not be intimidating her anymore. I have the final orders with me.

However after all this happened, She along with her family members filed a section 498a, 420, 506, 406, 307 against entire family members of mine (Parents, 2 Brothers, In-Law) while she never stayed along with them at all in India. (Note all my family members stay in India)

Luckily we had got the bail for all the family members except for me (A1). It is still pending and this case has almost been lodged 3 months ago. Could you please suggest how to go about securing bail for self and also future approach in this regards?

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