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hexdex (adv)     09 October 2013

Annulment process

Hello there


stuck in situation where legally help require


We husband and wife in hurry to filed marriage in India, we register marriage in India in august 2013 before her  final divorce document come through. I am Indian and she is British. 

After realized that it was not right so we applied fiance visa because we were still not legal married so instead spouse we applied fiance visa and plan to get married again there in UK. Now after that we realized  that what if immigration control will find out that they already married and before not finished divorced properly. so we have thought that lets do mutual annulment but don't know exact process 

I just know its biagamy :  Either spouse was already married to someone else at the time of the marriage in question. We can easily prove with showing dates of marriage certificate and final decree absolute of divorce. and both can mutually sign for annulment only thing want to know that how much time it will take.

but is that crime to submitted wrong documents while we applied marriage registration and if we both mutually admit and wants to remarry with TRUE and LAWFULLY.

Little stuck is it court matter or just registrar can make a decision and annulment it if we apply written with grounds of facts with mutually admit and submit final divorce decree. will it be finish in two weeks if we mutually commit  and promise to remarry.

Please very urgent my visa is just about to send.

Many thanks in advance.


 1 Replies


@ Author,

1. If she was not divorcee and still married at the time of registration then your marriage is void .

2. She would be controlled by her marriage act of her country. So,better tell her to complete the divorce process first then indulge with marriage according to indian act's.

3. For you submitting wrong document's for any legal entities is an offence, so,it's better to consult your nearest lawyer on this issue with document's. As suggestion on this public forum without seeing such document's and your fact's and circumstances of case one could not give you right advise.

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