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Silent victory (Engineer )     08 June 2015

Agreement between builder and buyer - when does it cease

When does a  contract  or   Sale Deed  between  a  Builder and  a  buyer cease . Do the clauses  in the same are applicable for perpeturity  or the whole agreement ceases to exist  at a particular point of time


if so at what point of time . Does  this happen when a builder conveys the  property to a society ?

Am asking this question particulary in light of  vague clauses inserted by builders on payment of taxes and  VAT as and when demanded by the builder .

 6 Replies

N R Dash.. (Advocate)     13 June 2015

Querrry is not clear. State the situation here not some asumption. 


If the buolder is registered under vat & st, he may charge that, but he need to provide you with the TIN & ST numbers on a tax invoice. Do make such payments always vide DD, cheque or bank transfer to the name from which the invoice is raised.


A builder can not transfer the ownership to two different parties. If the sale deed is executed on your name, its your property and builder can not transfer the ownership to any society. However, if a RWA is registered later on, you may opt to be a member to enjoy the services and to contribute in maintaining the locality. But the ownership remains with you only.

Krishna. Advocate (Advocate)     16 July 2015

Please Contact
T.C Krishna
Corporate and Labor Law


S K KARNjhc (Legal Adviser)     25 July 2015

You should consult your local lawyer having experienced in this field

S K KARNjhc (Legal Adviser)     25 July 2015

Try to add value to the discussion, with your each post.


Dear Engineer, "Silent Victory",


Solutions are always to specific problems. You have not discussed the real problem and the terms of agreement, more specifically, those which you say, "vague clauses inserted by builders."


Please discuss the real problem to find solution to your specific problem. Otherwise any reply to your academic type of question may not help remove your doubts.

Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     06 September 2016

the relationship of Builder and Buyer comes to  an end after thee builder handsover  occupancy  certificate to Buyer.

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