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Ganesh Kakarwal   26 June 2018

About criminal case

hi experts ! I want suggestion on criminal case actually one lady filed a criminal case on nc which given by police station then there is 4 names my father I am and my 2 uncles then we got notices for u/s 323 ,504,506,and 347 of ipc now what should I do in this condition? there is need for perfect advocate means perfect knowledgeable ? plz answer me


 6 Replies

Ganesh Kakarwal   26 June 2018

experts give me suggestions please !!

pankaj verma   26 June 2018

you can contact me on 9816374011 for ur problems

Mithun Sharma (Advocate)     26 June 2018

please send FIR Detail on my whatsapp no 9352693405


Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     20 December 2018

Do you really think anyone would be there in the world who is perfect one???


Your query does not set out the clear facts and circumstances of the case.  Visit some local lawyer, have a healthy discussion on the matter.  In case of any doubts visit here again and seek clarifications.


Have faith in your lawyer.

Elangovan   02 March 2019

send FIR at lets review and get back to you .. Also provide and facts, situtaion and background before FIR registration 

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2019

No acts have been stated.


You will not be able to find a "peerfect lawyer" with "perefect knowledge".

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