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Why only Advocates-Doctors-Engineers called professionals ?

I feel whosoever is engaged in some profession is a professional. Sweepers,rag pickers,courier boys,cycle rickshaw wallas --all are professionals. Why only certain people engaged in certain professions like Engineering,Medicine,Chartered Accountancy or Advocacy are called professional-I am unable to understand.Please express your views.


 17 Replies

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     05 July 2010

Sir, a profession is a vocation based on specialised educational training, the purpose of which is to supply disinterested counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart form expectation of other business gain.

The profession means a person having a degree in a professional field. The profession is usually used to denote a white collar working person or a person who performs commercially in a field typically reserved for hobbyists or amatuers. Because of personal and confidential nature of professional services and thus the necessity to place a great deal of trust in them, most professionals are held up to strict ethical and moral regulations. 

The vocations you have mentioned like sweepers and rickshaw wallas do not fit into the explanation of a profession.

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Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     05 July 2010

Who says?

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     05 July 2010

My reply is based on the dictionary meaning of the word 'profession'. 


Suchitra, With all respect I wanna say that I do not agree with you.

Here is the results of Profession from


(1)_a vocation requiring knowledge of some department oflearning or science: the profession of teaching. Comparelearned profession.

(2)any vocation or business.

You are referring the first meaning only.Remember a word has many meanings ,the second meaning is equally prevalent in the society.
And remember even to clean a gutter a specialized knowledge is needed,even carpentry needs a specialized knowledge.
Please go beyond Dictionary and try to understand what I mean.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     06 July 2010

from which dictionary you got this meaning?

Only Advocates-Doctors-Engineers called professionals ?

no, they (Advocates-Doctors-Engineers ) are also called professionnals.


Arup,we have very limited space given for giving a title to our topic ,hence some times things may be confusing.Here I cleared in the detail after giving the title what I mean actually,if you read the details also after the title you would easily understand that I have said that Why only certain people engaged in certain professions like Engineering,Medicine,Chartered Accountancy or Advocacy are called professional.I feel whosoever is engaged in some profession is a professional. Sweepers,rag pickers,courier boys,cycle rickshaw wallas --all are professionals.

I have nowhere said that only Dr.,CA,advocates are called professionals,I have cleared that I am unable to understand Why only certain people engaged in certain professions Engineering,Medicine,Chartered Accountancy or Advocacy etc. are called professional.

Just surf or Wiki you will understand there are two meanings of profession--


(1)_a vocation requiring knowledge of some department oflearning or science: the profession of teaching. Comparelearned profession.

(2)any vocation or business.

I feel that both the meanings are contradictory ones.Either  people engaged in some special type of occupation should be called professionals or every one whosoever is engaged in his profession honestly is a professional even if he is a shoe mender.Hope U understand.

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     07 July 2010

MAYBE,  Just maybe,  Mr.  Madhu alias "tushar comic"  may think of having an interaction with a French english Teacher and then with a British english Teacher  and then with a American english Teacher  for the difference between the word  "professional"  and "profession".  And then let us know about the results.


Alternatively,  Mr. Madhu could also introspect on the possibility of going back to School,  with his innumerable and time-consuming irrelevant  SELF-thought provoking questions.


HOWEVER,  apart from above and besides also in agreement with Ms. Suchitra,  a "professional"  has legal standing in a Court of Law, in the sense that the Court will accept  opinions of only a  "QUALIFIED"  professional   AND NOT FROM A  "QUACK"  PROFESSIONAL.


A  "QUACK PROFESSIONAL"   is a person,  who commercially practices a profession without possessing a registered degree in that profession.


eg.  a Carpenter or a Plumber or a Electrician   is a  profession name and not a "qualification" name.  This profession  may stem from years of experience or from ancestors,  BUT not necessarily from education.    HOWEVER,  if a person is educationally trained in a  approrpiate & registered  "technical institute"  in the field of Carpenter or Plumber or Electrician,  then he is qualified to be a professional and can now issue legal certificates pertaining to his work,  which is acceptable as evidence in a Court of Law.  Otherwise a certificate from a  "quack professional" (i.e. unqualified professional)  can always be used to wipe the WC.


Beggary is a "profession"  too.  BUT he cannot be called as a "Professional Beggar".
Doctor is a  "profession" too.  BUT he can be called a  "Doctor",  IF he holds a registered qualification, as approved by State Governments.  A doctor practising without professional qualification  is legally  termed as a "quack doctor".


A licensed Doctor may practice the "Quack Profession" of a unlicensed Plumber.  BUT A LICENSED  "PLUMBER"  CANNOT (repeat)  CANNOT  PRACTICE THE PROFESSION OF A "DOCTOR",  due to qualification and educational title & legal restraints.


BY virtue of being educated in a particular field, from a registered institution,  THE LAW PROVIDES HIM A   "DEGREE  &  TITLE"   to his profession wherein the Law provides RIGHTS TO the person to be called a Professional and confers upon him with legal powers to practice and issue certificates,   that can be used as evidence in a Court of Law.


e.g.  A qualified & registered Civil Engineer issuing a legal certificate for the type of building constructed.  NOW this certificate can be legally issued only by a professional,  who has qualified and has been trained in a registered institution teaching that profession. By issuing such legal certificates,  the professional is bound by his education and qualification and on his professional failure becomes open to "Breach of Trust & Confidence" under IPC, & under the Consumer Protection Act & a host of other Laws, for appropriate prosecution and damages.


A "kadia"  or a "mistry"  or a  "mason",  (who is unqualified BUT experienced)  has no jurisdiction to issue such legal certificates, and is free from all legal encumbrances or legal hassles.

AND SURPRINGLY,  the Law or say the Constitution of India or World,  does not provide ANY MANDATORY  QUALIFICATON whatsoever,  for the nefarious Parliamentarians,  who run the business of the Country,  whereas the Law mandates that only a Registered and Qualified person in Law, can run the business of Advocacy.


Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

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Daksh (Student)     07 July 2010

Hi All,

Hemant deserves Kudos for such  informative, befitting, well drafted/reasoned, objective and truly  professional post having last word in the matter.   

God bless

Best Regards




Hemant Agarwal, Why not you consult an American or English or  French psychologist to get help in finding out that why you are provoked by someone tusharcosmic's irrelevant questions?
If they are really irrelvant and time consuming why on earth you are consuming your precious time answering and re-answering his questions ? If his ideas are not thought provoking ,why you are povoked this much ?

I am not amazed that you have totally misunderstood my point.You say-- beggary is also a profession---- profession is when one sells some service or product to someone else .Beggars sell nothing except hedaches ?How they can be considered prossionals ?
At another place you say -A  "QUACK PROFESSIONAL"   is a person,  who commercially practices a profession without possessing a registered degree in that profession.Dear me there is none who can be called "QUACK PROFESSIONAL"-Either you are a professional or you are a quack.

I have nowhere said that Beggars/Quacks be called professionals. I also did nowhere say that there is no difference between  professionals like Crapenter,electricians,Masons certified from some registered  "technical institute" and ones who learnt the profession from their parents or uncertified Guru/Ustaads.

My basic point was -----a professional is a professiona----whosoever is engaged in some profession is a prefessional(I am not talking of beggars or quacks)---certified or not certified.We can only say that some are certified professionals and some are not certifeid ones.But how can we say that only the certified people(Like Dr./lawyer/CA etc.) are entitled to be called professionals and the others(Like Carpenters/Masons/electricians etc. even without any degree but good at their work) are not ?

This was a basic point.

I hope against hope that you will  get it, perhaps.
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Daksh ,I do not think that Hemant's answer is the the last word,I have answered him and tried to make things further clearer,what I meant from this very thread of mine.Please read mine answer and give your genuine reply as usual.

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     08 July 2010

Nice Interpretation and logic Madhuji. Certified and non Certified may be the further classification of the professionals.

Also here we r not for competing with each other rather for debate and getting corrected also.Nothing should offend any one. Knowledge can be gained by any one.

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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     08 July 2010





NMP (nmp)     08 July 2010

Personally, as a law professional,  I think that Hemant Aggarwal, has given a very perfect and professional reply, with appropriate explainations and I totally see legal sense in his answers.


whereas,  what Mr. Madhu, has stated is completely false and bears no logic.  Mr. Madhu seems that he is not ready to understand meaning of the word profession  and professional.


A Institute / college does not issue a  certificate stating that  "We,  Certify that so and so is not certified as a Doctor or a Engineer or a Advocate"  
That would be totally idotic, as being suggested by Mr. Madhu.  There cannot be anything called as uncertified professionals.


It requires a legal & registered body or say a institution / college to issue a  qualification certificate and every other tom, d**k and harry cannot certify someone as a professional,  just because he has become an expert in his work (profession)  due to work experience etc.


As Mr. Hemant Aggarwal, rightly said that the Court of Law will accept legal opinions, as evidence,  only from qualified and registered professionals.


Also, I full agree to the point, where Hemant has mentioned  that   "the Law or say the Constitution of India or World,  does not provide ANY MANDATORY  QUALIFICATON whatsoever,  for the nefarious Parliamentarians,  who run the business of the Country,  whereas the Law mandates that only a Registered and Qualified person in Law, can run the business of Advocacy".


What better explaination describing Profession and Professional.




NMP ji,With regards I differ with you hereby.

You and Hemant did not understand that I raised a point for general discussion not for legal discussion.This site offers us to raise general discussions as well as legal discussions..And it was also clear from my thread that whatsoever I have written --I am raising a general point not a legal point.So do not see any legal sense in my queries/threads/discussions.I believe in logicality not legality.

NMP ji,yes I am not ready to understand the meaning of profession and professional.

I can understand only one thing that if profession means an occupation,vocation(any valid occupation,vocation)--then a professional means one who is doing some occupation,vocation(any valid occupation,vocation).

How can anyone say that only peculiar people who are approved by some recognized institute are professional and others are not professionals( who are doing their professions in a very good manner).

Certified or not certified ,whosoever is indulged in some profession and doing it properly is a professional,that is what I mean to say ?

Of course we can say that some are "certified" and some are "Un-certified professionals" but is wrong to say that uncertified people are not professional and only certified people are professionals.

Courts may say that they approve opinions of certified professionals only but even they can not say that uncertified people are not professional and only certified people are professionals.

Of course An Institute / college does not issue a  certificate stating that  "We,  Certify that so and so is not certified as a Doctor or a Engineer or a Advocate"----But it does not mean that there can be none who may be called a "Uncertified professional" as you have declared.

I have seen many electricians,car mechanics,carpenters,masons--who have never seen the face of any school/institute and they are very good at their jobs.According to me these are the real people who are/would never be certified but they can be rightfully called professionals.

I started dealing in properties while I was in college--20 years of age-without any certification--for 15 long years I did my work honestly and quite systematically,never cheated a single person----delivered complete docs and peaceful possession to all my clients----then someone asked me to do NAREDCO(National Real Estate Development Council)--- certified course,I joined it and got the certification also.I am unable to understand that how could I be called now a professional and before this Naredeco certification unprofessional ?

I was a "Properties Professional" before but now I am a "Naredco Certified Property Professional"--this much I can understand---may seem idiotic to some of my friends still.

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