Where to register a complaint
1. Where should a citizen register his complaint
(a) Even if the crime is committed in an area beyond the limits of any police station, a complainant cannot be forced to go to the concerned police station. A citizen can register his complaint at any police station.
(b) After registering a complaint of a cognizable offence, a copy thereof must be given to the complainant free of cost.
(c) In case of non-cognizable offences the police do not have a right to investigate the complaint without the orders of the Court.
2. Where to register a cornplaint when an offence is committed within the limits of
Railways When an offence is committed either within the jurisdiction of the railway or in a running train, it is necessary to register a complaint at the concerned railway police station. Similarly ΓÇ£Mobile Police stationsΓÇ¥ have also been established in some long distance trains. Hence a complaint of an offence committed in these running train can be lodged at the Mobile Police Station. Besides, necessary arrrangement to lodge a complaint with the Guards is also available on long distance trains.
If after the commission of an offence, the passenger concerned does not want to alight from that train, he can also lodge the said complaint at the railway police station situated at the place of the destination of his journey. Such offences are later on forwarded to the concerned railway police station for the purpose of investigation and other procedural action. If there is no railway police station at the place of the destination of hislher journey, then helshe can lodge the complaint of the offence at the nearest police station which is then forwarded to the railway police station concerned. Similarly, if the passenger is not in a position to go personally to the police station, helshe can send the complaint in the form of a written application to the
concerned railway police station. If the passenger concerned has no knowledge of the particular railway police station he can send his written complaint to any railway police station or to the office of the Mumbai Railway Police Commissioner or to the office of the Special Inspector General of Police, Railways, Mumbai. Action is then initiated to get the complaint registered at the concerned railway police station in respect of complaints received in this manner.