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HANUMANT DESHMUKH (Activist)     18 November 2010

What is secularism?

X Party is, it is pseudo secular....Y party is, Y is really secular, you are pseudo-secular. No, I am not...India is secular... no India is pseudo secular, US is secular. Whenever I am in the middle of this kind of a discussion, it turns out that both the parties have similar beliefs, yet they are don't agree on who is and who is not secular. Further, everybody claims that they are secular even though their beliefs may well amount to being unsecular.

After all, what does Secularism mean? What does being Secular entail? I think these are important questions that we need to understand before we pass a judgment on who is and who is not Secular and this is what I am trying to address in this article :


 4 Replies


interesting article!

HANUMANT DESHMUKH (Activist)     22 November 2010

Thank you!

Kanwar Deep (     03 January 2011

Nice article Mr Deshmukh,

i hav joined ur site, nice work there 2,

but i think u hav no more interest bcoz i requested 2 reupload IPC notes, nothing so far...


Dear Hanumant,

Any definition about any word or term is man made according to their own individual belief. Anybody can interpret a term as per his own inerest or biass.

In fact secularism is not an individual characteristics. It pplies to a society/ nation, as a whole. If a society or Government does not indulge in or spreads religious perceptions, it can be secular, whatsoever religion or faith is adopted or practised by individuals of a society or nation.

If we talk about secularism of any individual, in my views, if an individual respects religion, faith, belief, culture and values of other individuals of the society or nation, he can be termed as a secular person. If he has some bias about others' religion, faith, belief, culture and value, he cannot be a secuar person. Pseudo-secular has no place. It is just a misleading term. A person, society or nation can be secular or non-secular.

I think seculasrism  has est been explained at the site of, which explains:

  • in philosophy, the belief that one's own life can be best lived, and the universe best understood, with little or no reference to a god or gods or other supernatural concepts.


  • in society, any of a range of situations where a society less automatically assumes religious beliefs to be either widely shared or a basis for conflict in various forms, than in recent generations of the same society.


  • in government, a policy of avoiding entanglement between government and religion (ranging from reducing ties to a state church to promoting secularism in society), of non-discrimination among religions (providing they don't deny primacy of civil laws), and of guaranteeing human rights of all citizens, regardless of the creed (and, if conflicting with certain religious rules, by imposing priority of the universal human rights).

I am however of the view that, leaving aside religious organizations,  we can find real seculaism in USA Government, as well as the individuals more than in India. A least there we can see rare incidents of religious vandalism.


President Obama, with a Kenyan background, is a live example of secularism of USA, where the whole of the US public votes individually to direcly elect a candidate for the US Presidency.  So, person with ntirely different culture was elected as President by the US public.

PS Dhingra

CEO cum Management & Vigilance Consultant

Dhingra Group of Consultants

New Delhi

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