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chintoo02018 (DBA)     30 December 2011

Want divorce


Hi ,

      There is 2 years gone for my marraige . and i will say the horrable two year more and more fights

with my wife and Wife more and more complaing about my mother

i think main problem is my wife's and her mother' egoistic behavour

I will tell in detail now

My Wife mother is very dominating in her House ,Her father does not want to take any responsibility

he has childish behavoure

Her Mausa (mothers sisters husband) has much more value then her father.

even during the marraige he was not involved in any marraige activity only come to eat food

My age was 30 and she was 22 during marraige

I live in mumbai and my home town is Ghziabad

They said they are not financial strong .We only said You can use according to yours budget

we have any compalsary require only require wife of good nature

She has not done any house hold work before marraige.

Soon after marraige she starts accusing my mother as troturing

I know my mother has bit of  hard voice but that does not means of torturing

If she has to been told to do any work she pretends as my mother is making foul in her work

and starts complaing to her parents as well her mother also supports her and critisizing my mother

they also allegating for dowry on my parents

she went to her house as i was fed of these fights and in angry mood I said to her mother I take divorce

For this act Her had Stopped all communication with my wife and pressurizing not to talk to me

her Mausa (mother's sister husband) said to take my wife to banglore and will remaing thereake

and her mother planned to take my wife to banglore

Afterword i said sorry to her mother

My Wife put a condition for coming to that I will never to and stay with your family only in this case i will

come to you

At that I agree with her condition thinking that make her understand later on

We came to mumbai but there she and her family always says against my mother and wife says bad words

once say's bad words and once I got to much frustrated and beat her she also start beat me

Afterword we both say sorry to each other and metter settled down

Once my mother said to the relative that i am taking  care of her wife and keeping her good

as well as I bought her very expensive sleeper

These word her mausa told to her mother and just these mere thing her mother stopped her to go

with me even at the time my operation she said she don't want to come as well as her mother is not will

to send me

I regular requested to her mother Please send my wife as my operation is to be held .then she 

send my wife with me

After my operation I said I have go to mumbai and one week later I will come and take you with me

At this she called her brother and went to her wife but some how she came back from half way  to me for this act of my wife her egoitics mother didn't talk to her for a month even no one from her parent called her on her b'day

As living with me she is too much dominating and If said anything wrong to her work she starts fight How you

dare to said about my work .

Even sometime she ran away from my house and regularly threating to call her brother and go back to home

My mother got chikingunya i said go to my hometown and help her as she is not able to work

My wife Pretend that she has paining in her head and will not go . I pressurize to go .at last she agree

spenting  week she run away from my house to her house while my mother was alone and sleeping

Her mother also supporting this act of my wife and kept her

Now I am fed and decided to take Divirce from her

I am not picking and phone from her and made up my mind for divorce

What first step should I take for speration



 4 Replies

dipender kumar (advocate)     30 December 2011

There is possibility for reunion.  If you do not think so,then you can file divorce petition.  You can contact me in my chamber when you come to Ghaziabad.

dipender kumar, advocate

chintoo02018 (DBA)     31 December 2011

I live in mumbai and marraige held in ghziabad

So from where this case will be held

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     01 January 2012

Case can be held from Ghaziabad too.


Shonee Kapoor

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