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Ajay kumar singh   20 October 2015

Violation of Fundamental Rights in Indian Railway trains

Namaste to All. An important issue of public interest : The passengers who travel by Sleeper Class in Indian Railway trains are insulted,shamed and embarrassed everyday by Eunuchs for money and this harassment is continuing as such since a long time. Eunuchs touch people on body parts, use insulting and vulgar language, threaten to strip in front ,curse travellers, use abusive language and also display immodest gestures at times in front of passengers. Giving money is not an issue but we will never incentivise and promote any type of misbehaviour or insult to our people. It is unfortunate that in a democratic country where our constitution guarantees living with dignity as a fundamental right, people have to face such shameful abuse everyday, every hour and every minute all over the country. Such incidents don't happen in AC class at all as Eunuchs are not allowed to get in. Does it mean that Sleeper Class passengers have no right to live with dignity and self-respect? Are we second class citizens who are nothing in comparison to rich elite? Why can't the government owned Railways protect the dignity and respect of its customers who are its source of revenue and not a burden? It is well known that Railway Police and Railway Station Officials are directly involved in this human rights crime (they get their share out of collected money) as such incidents can't happen without their patronage at all. I feel ashamed to see such incidents happening everyday to lakhs of people including me. I want to ask this respected forum that as socially responsible citizens, what can we all do to end this national shame altogether? Your views and initiatives on this will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

 2 Replies 971794 (Advocate)     20 October 2015

This is not legal issue but social one. Make videos and post it on social networking sites.  Once it gets momentum, the Railways will wake up to take action 

Suneet Gupta (     21 October 2015

What can the Railways do about this other than improving the Security, etc. However, the issue is that we are not ready to pay for services received and the Railways cannot spend money to provide services unless they earn it from the passengers.

The tax-payers of the country cannot continue to subsidize all such loss making activities of the Railways, Air India, Parliament, and various other ministries and corporations.

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