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V.Dharmendra (businessman)     25 May 2009

Transfer of property


My fatther passed away a few months back. He hasn't left a will for his property. Me and my brother have no conflict over the propoerty and we understand that both of us have equal rights. My brother wants to tranfer the property to our mother's name, my mother wants to transfer it directly to our names and I am ok with both situations. Now they have left it to me to take a decision.

I am seeking valuable advise from the knowledgable members of this forum to help me decide and let me know the pros and cons of both situations or if we just leave it untouched in my fathers name for a few years would it pose a problem?

Thanks in advance.


 5 Replies

Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar (Nil)     25 May 2009

proceed for mutation  withaut twisting normal course. why   to comlecate your own problem without any necessity.

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D.V.RamaKrishna (Advocate)     26 May 2009


Firstly I congratulate you and your brother over the understanding you have over the property left behind by your father without a will.

Secondly with regard to transfer of property in you both brothers name or your mothers name, I think it is better you keep it in your mothers name and let her write a will in you both brothers name, so that after her there wont be any problem whether you keep the property with you or you dispose of the same and enjoy the benefits seperately.



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V.Dharmendra (businessman)     26 May 2009

Thank you Dr.Tripathy and Mr. Ramakrishna for your advice.


V.Dharmendra (businessman)     26 May 2009

Can you please let me know the basic procedure of trasfer of property from my father to my mother.


Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     26 May 2009

The property is inherited by all the three of you, viz yourself, your brother and mother. In case yourself and your brother wanted to transfer your shares in favour of your mother, you can either execute a settlement deed settlling the property in your mother's name or execute a release deed relinquishing your interest over the property.  

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