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Saurav (Self)     02 January 2017

Theft from registered water connection

We have a registered water connection from Delhi jal Board in our name with all the fittings however since the purchase of the above flat in 2009 we have never shifted to this house and never used any single drop of water till date despite that we are receiving water bills with meter reading ok when checked with local plumber he told us that your meter is being used by persons staying in 2nd floor, when checked with them they have denied,

I request to please advice to take appropriate action and usage of water theft being done from our registered water connection at the earliest based on your advice futher course of action will be taken against the theft and restore our connection,


 1 Replies

Originally posted by : Saurav
We have a registered water connection from Delhi jal Board in our name with all the fittings however since the purchase of the above flat in 2009 we have never shifted to this house and never used any single drop of water till date despite that we are receiving water bills with meter reading ok when checked with local plumber he told us that your meter is being used by persons staying in 2nd floor, when checked with them they have denied,

I request to please advice to take appropriate action and usage of water theft being done from our registered water connection at the earliest based on your advice futher course of action will be taken against the theft and restore our connection,


Have you checked, it must be minimum water bill which is cumpolsory.

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