Hey! Hey! Hey!
Mr Dhusia
If you are so concerned then why don't you adopt/marry my wife. Five fingers are not same and nor every male who had abondoned their wives are beasts.
For them who have become orator for negating the sacred value of a marriage between a male and a female among humans are either theselves GAY or do not understand the society which presribed marriage to be a GRAHASTH ASHRAM if they happen to be Hindu and even if they don't believe in Hinduism then it is ordained from the Allah if they are Muslim and even for an Christian alike.
Even i was aware that her mother is a Hindu and her father is a Muslim and also after being aware that she was having 2 past realations(including physical) i accepted her going against my family and parents.....so please don't give Gyan of the sacredness of a marriage.
And for Aatif Khan being a muslim you are free to marry FOUR WIVES but it is not without condition if you really believe in that great religion and the Shariat and do't try to be hypochrite, following the dictate to your convenience but as per secular nation as India is, then the first wife can drag you in the court and if she happens to be cruel as you have defined her then she can easily show you her cruelty but I don't think so.In order to earn male chauvinism sympathy you have dropped to such an extent to show your first wife as a beast with whom you have fathered a baby.
Family/wife is not a Chinese item to be used and thrown.
Dhusia jee i am not being a hypochrite..... we all would like to know that what will you do if your wife after marriage will come to you and will tell you about her 2 past boyfriends and pysical relations with them. A wife who can't even perpare food for you and cant even perform religious offerings, who cant keep the home clean who can't even ask you a glass of water when you come home tired all day long from your office,
In order to earn male chauvinism sympathy you have dropped to such an extent to show your first wife as a beast with whom you have fathered a baby.
She left my 2 month ln son in Delhi with her parents just to join a job so that she can have her freedom to roam around. Even doctors told her that she should breast feed the baby for atleast 6 months wherein she was not even ready to keep her child with her. Now you can imagine what kinda person she is
Mr Dhusia
Gyan mat deejiye kyunki yahan sabhi already gyani hai....