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Second Muslim Marriage without divorce to first wife

Page no : 2


Na!! I will not do that. U have the right to say nething in India.


I already had done second marriage that to without the 1st wife consent even after knowing the Consequences

and i did it because i decided to suffer one time rather crying lifetime as i was tghe one who was the victim of her cyche

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     08 May 2011

do not worry

your second marriage is valid as per mohamedan personal law.

nobody will tell you anything.

now concentrate yourself on dv case. i hope u will win here also.

she victimising you due to your second marriage. ---   now it is clear.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     10 May 2011

this scope available to mohamedans only; not for all.

Jamai Of Law (propra)     10 May 2011

Frankyl ................... Your second marriage has absolutely no connection to complaints of your first wife in CAW !!!!!!!!!!!.



"First wife has file a report in Crime Against womens Cell (CAW) Delhi. She has falsely alleged in that report that the husband is indulge in domestic voilence and usually had beaten the wife. Also had put allegation that husband has asked for dowry. First wife also have a baby of 4 mnths.She has claimed for maintainence also."



It's you apparently................... who's trying dis-credit her and divert attention of her cries ............... by raising the issue of your second marriag!! 


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Ambika (NA)     10 May 2011

Irrespective of personal laws, which woman would welcome a second wife and would like to live with her, unless there is helplessness, under the hope that her husband would treat her equally? And how a husband can treat the first wife equally in this case when he does not love her and says because of her torture he married to a second woman wihtout the consent of his first wife!

Now first wife has every right to file a domestic violence case which is, a secular and not bound to any personal law. It is within the first wife 's  right to do so, and why not if she has suffered in the hands of her husband. 

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shiv shanker bala narayanan (advocate)     10 May 2011

second , third ,fouirth marriages are valid pls note there is another law muslim womens protectionm act wherein wifwe can claim substantial maintenance regarding the criminal complaint that will have to be dealt with separately ,take anticipatory bail ,face trial but from the allegations made no case under 498a is made out attach a copy of the complaint 


Dear Ambika

Its not that every time male speices is voilent and on fault side. She is my wife having my four months baby with her. i love her but she was not worthy.I did all my responsibilities which a husband was supposed  But now when she had taken the issue under law then there's no place for her in my life and my home.


Dear Narayan Sir

Surely i will attach copy of the complaint tomorrow. Your advise can help me a lot. I will really appreciate if can be guided the next step

Ambika (NA)     10 May 2011

Dear Aatif,

Appreciate the decent way you have replied to me. I wish justice be done to you and your wife and your baby grows up in the shade of love from both of you..



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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     10 May 2011

" which woman would welcome a second wife and would like to live with her, unless there is helplessness,"


---   raja dasharath had three wives; droupadi had five husbands.

marriage is an unnatural thingh, introduced by the human society.

once upon a time, marriage took birth to do it's historical duty, now it has to go peacefully - forever.

human society slowly moving towards live in.

so called marriage will be a part of history and meuseum.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     10 May 2011

"Now first wife has every right to file a domestic violence case which is, a secular and not bound to any personal law."


---   the querist already cleared that the dv case is false one.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     10 May 2011

impose allegation is easy but it has to be proved  at court, otherwise it may bumerang.

Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     11 May 2011

For them who have become orator for negating the sacred value of a marriage between a male and a female among humans are either theselves GAY or do not understand the society which presribed marriage to be a GRAHASTH ASHRAM if they happen to be Hindu and even if they don't believe in Hinduism then it is ordained from the Allah if they are Muslim and even for an Christian alike.

And for Aatif Khan being a muslim you are free to marry FOUR WIVES but it is not without condition if you really believe in that great religion and the Shariat and do't try to be hypochrite, following the dictate to your convenience but as per secular nation as India is, then the first wife can drag you in the court and if she happens to be cruel as you have defined her then she can easily show you her cruelty but I don't think so.In order to earn male chauvinism sympathy you have dropped to such an extent to show your first wife as a beast with whom you have fathered a baby.

Family/wife is not a Chinese item to be used and thrown.

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Hey! Hey! Hey!

Mr Dhusia

If you are so concerned then why don't you adopt/marry my wife. Five fingers are not same and nor every male who had abondoned their wives are beasts.


For them who have become orator for negating the sacred value of a marriage between a male and a female among humans are either theselves GAY or do not understand the society which presribed marriage to be a GRAHASTH ASHRAM if they happen to be Hindu and even if they don't believe in Hinduism then it is ordained from the Allah if they are Muslim and even for an Christian alike.


Even i was aware that her mother is a Hindu and her father is a Muslim and also after being aware that she was having 2 past realations(including physical) i accepted her going against my family and please don't give Gyan of the sacredness of a marriage.



And for Aatif Khan being a muslim you are free to marry FOUR WIVES but it is not without condition if you really believe in that great religion and the Shariat and do't try to be hypochrite, following the dictate to your convenience but as per secular nation as India is, then the first wife can drag you in the court and if she happens to be cruel as you have defined her then she can easily show you her cruelty but I don't think so.In order to earn male chauvinism sympathy you have dropped to such an extent to show your first wife as a beast with whom you have fathered a baby.

Family/wife is not a Chinese item to be used and thrown.


Dhusia jee i am not being a hypochrite..... we all would like to know that what will you do if your wife after marriage will come to you and will tell you about her 2 past boyfriends and pysical relations with them. A wife who can't even perpare food for you and cant even perform religious offerings, who cant keep the home clean who can't even ask you a glass of water when you come home tired all day long from your office,  


In order to earn male chauvinism sympathy you have dropped to such an extent to show your first wife as a beast with whom you have fathered a baby.


She left my 2 month ln son in Delhi with her parents just to join a job so that she can have her freedom to roam around. Even doctors told her that she should breast feed the baby for atleast 6 months wherein she was not even ready to keep her child with her. Now you can imagine what kinda person she is

Mr Dhusia

Gyan mat deejiye kyunki yahan sabhi already gyani hai....:)




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Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     17 May 2011

Dear Aatif Khan:First of all the reply which made you annoyed was not at all addressed to you.Since I being a Hindu by birth follow the philosophy of Grahasth Ashram prescribed in Hinduism and I am neither a fanatic nor a preacher to preach a Muslim brother about concept of Hiduism. Having being in a muslim country since last 20 years I have some little knowledge about the great religion THE ISLAM and could understand the sanctity of Marriage.

I never am a gyani or will never be even because I am still a learner and that was the sole reason to join LCI and I can claim that I have learnt a lot after joining LCI and being senior in age have little edge over my juniors but would never impose my gyan which I do not possess yet.

Kindly do not get carried away if you do not find other's view matching yours because this is a public platform and for your information I married a widow, five years senior to me, having two sons from my elder brother and she was my Bhabhi and this is no fiction.If god willed you are requested to visit my house at Kanpur (U.P) to witness it for your self and believe me I am not a hypochrite.

Since this LCI is a common platform, so the participants have the freedom to express their views even if it may be contrary to the views of majority because majority may be right in voting and we are not conducting any election in LCI at present.

You are free to accept or reject the opinion of participant because no body is imposing his views on you.

I know you are emotionally disturbed but there are millions of others too in such a vast country like India but it is your problem and you are the better judge and know how to solve it.

I am delighted that you are at least not a hypochrite and expressed yourself without any inhibition and I liked it because no body is saint in this world or above criticism.Keep that spirit ON always.

Regards and many thanks.God bless you.Amen.

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