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Anonymous (Middle management)     09 December 2013

Request opinion

Dear Concerned,


Our Marriage went smoothly but later trouble some. Both family relations are not good due to unnessary interference by my wife's aunts in our affarirs (there were some problems for my wife getting adjusted to my family due to her negative thoughts, ignorance attitude towards my parents & sisters by her, wrong communication to their family by her due to such misunderstandings - ocne I was threatned by her aunt saing that they have political influence) This triggered issues with in the family resulted in verbal battle. I had to move out of my house and set-up new rented home. Even then this din't resolve as we are very social and had to attend family functions. We suspect my wife is spreading false information among our other relatives.


There was two filthy hand written postal letters recieved by my parents in between at the gap of around 15-20 days with false from address. Again this is strong suspecion on her family involvement because till date we have not have any such detoriated relationship with any one, later when I bought this to my wife's knowledge she completely denay it (as well their family too) After I bought to her notice about the letter, the letters stoped coming. These letter contained certain infomation whom only our family know (me, my wife and my parents and my sister to some extent). This has really iritated me and our relationships with her family further detoriated, on the other hand my wife completely ignored my parents and sister. this also some times flares up quarrel. She auccuses my parents for that letter. We have kept the letter confidential.


Now what is the best way to know on who has written these letters outside police station. I do not want to blow up this as an issue as it is too sensitive.


My wife's mother is a divorcee (I do not have any further information on it and their family seems to be too unsecured and conservative -- as from the day one of our introduction they din't even mingle with us and some thing fishy with them as the things din't go normally)


What best I can do to resolve this legally.... Its very important to me to consider my parents as I am only son and I cannot afford such ignorance by my wife. This is creating some social problems to my parents with our other friends and relatives( as she might have spread negative things on us)


Also we donot know what they are thinking on us? once my wife and her aunt indicated that my wife's mother ended up in separation due to her mother inlaw and sister inlaws (she carried same thought and started ignoring my parents as if they are there to separate her from me) is one of the causes for this issues.




 3 Replies

Anirudh Arora (sales executive)     09 December 2013

Dear This is an indication of 498a/406 etc hits any time.u should be alert & & collect evidence with every move of you wife & relatives  

Anonymous (Middle management)     11 December 2013

Thanks for the opinion, since these issues we have stopped communications with her family (that means we do not have any idea on their move)

Also there are no idications that they may move on to file a case or a police complaint. However in case of such extremities to safegaurd my parents and sisters I think I need to take certain precautions as her family or she has been much more influenced by her aunts (third parties since her mother is for the sake). It is our ill fate to have found such an my in law.

Within such situation, what kind of precautions I can take ?Experts Please suggest. Things seems to be not normal in my life.

Anonymous (Middle management)     30 December 2013

Dear Concerned,

Again there was a quarrel and her aunt abused me unlimitedly over phone and behaved as if she caught madness ! There is only one sided communication from my wife to her family! My wife with her nonsense negative thoughts, she also abused my mother and me and her aunt fueled it....... Again they threatned me saying they are powerful and influential and would make my life miserable...They were also asking if we are expecting any dowry by rised pitch..... (this is a false allegation as we are not such kind of people and we are self sufficient and self respectful and never ever used a single penny of my wife's salary also after knowing that their family is nasty.... My wife also thretened to file as case againt me as dowry harassment........

Request the opinion that how would I prevent such abuses and safegaurd my self and my family.... Any firm letter/ agreement with their family that we are not expecting any thing indicating that it is purely thier own assumption or a legal note from me that forever I would not touch any thing ? or can I file a case... in case this will permanently detatch my wife and her family from our family for false thoughts of my wife and her family?

Kindly help me out to overcome this situation....

This is causing social problems for my family !



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