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bin (FM)     26 July 2011

Registering my marriage as per Hindu Marriage Act ?

I am a Muslim girl married to a Hindu Boy. The marriage happened in a temple in Bangalore and later after 3 months I got converted to Hindu religion through Arya Samaj.

I want to know whether I can register my marriage in Bangalore under Hindu Marriage Act.

Thanks in advance.

 9 Replies

THANKACHAN V P (Advocate & Notary)     27 July 2011

I don't think the marriage solenmized at the temple is legally valid. So to avoid confusion it is better to register the marriage under special marriage act.

girish shringi (advocate)     06 August 2011

If you had married at the Arya Samaj they must have given you the marriage performing certificate at their temple,take that certy with you to the registrar and both of you get registered your marriage registered.

Not so lengthy procedure its the work of minutes.

Satheesh (Officer)     23 August 2011

Dear Mr.Thankachan sir,

I am a christian married to hindu girl in 2008 following hindu rituals in a kalyana mandapam , and we both are  central govt employees, If we want to register our marriage which is th rt act whether the Hindu marriage act or special marriage act.If we are registering in Hindu marriage act will that create any issues in future for my Govt. Srvice since i have been entered as christian in all my service records. 

THANKACHAN V P (Advocate & Notary)     23 August 2011

Better register under special marriage Act.

Satheesh (Officer)     24 August 2011

Thank u Mr.Thankachan. Can the Special marriage act can be registered on old exact date of marriage. I was told that Special marriage act can be registered on present date only is that right.

THANKACHAN V P (Advocate & Notary)     24 August 2011

1.Yes. You will have to submit application before the register office in your area and it will be published in notice board and a copy of the same  will be sent your 'wife's' register office. After 30 days ,both of you with witnesses shall appear  before the register office to register your marriage.

2.The date marriage is the date on which you register the marriage after 30 days of notice.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     24 August 2011

This is not a Valid Hindu Marriage, as at the time of marriage, you were still a Muslim. Mere performance of Hindu Marriage Ceremony is not enough for valid marriage.


If you want to register it now as you have converted. Now, you can get your marriageregistered under Hindu Marriage Act or Special Marriage Act, which so ever you both choose. The marriage would be a valid marriage from the date of fresh solemnization or from the date of registration only.

girish shringi (advocate)     24 August 2011

The Arya Samaj has the procedure to purify anybody from othe religion to Hindu,Hence the marriage performed after that rituals the marriage is registered under hindu marriage act,and can be registered under Hindu Marriage Act.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     25 August 2011



Please read first before commenting.


Marriage happened in a Temple and then after 3 months conversion happened in Arya Samaj.



Shonee Kapoor

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