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Ramesh (def)     31 May 2011

Notice Period Term


My company has asked me to sign a clause of notice period of 2 months. As per my understanding lobor law says that notice period can either be 1 month or 3 months.

Can you please clarify on this.







 3 Replies

Isaac Gabriel (Advocate)     31 May 2011

It is the prerogative of the management to fix the notice period depending upon the exigencies.

1 Like

Ramesh (def)     31 May 2011


Thanks . But does that mean that an employer can set any period for the notice term. Like say 6 months. Does ift not lead to employee exploitation.



Kumar Doab (FIN)     31 May 2011

If your company is making any changes in terms mentioned in your appointment letter, company shall have to ask you to give your acceptance.

If not acceptable, you can decline. The changes shall not be applicable if not accepted by you.

If you have any queries you can write to your appointing authority, MD, or the employee who has sent you the


Usually companies resort to change in  notice period when they need to check attrition or deter the employees to leave, or they wish to retain employees for longer period so that there work is not affected and they have more time to find replacement, and they want to increse the amount of recoveries,and when they have tested most of the employees and have decided to replace.

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