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kesavareddy (Software Consultant)     13 April 2011

Harassment by parents, husband and in-laws

My sister (cousin) got married in June 2010 and her husband was working in UK.  Girl's parents paid 12 Lakhs of cash and 20 Tulas of gold at the time of marriage. 

She got shocked when her husband asked if she is having any s*xual contacts with her colleagues at college.  Also, he asked her to promise that she will not have any physical contact with others in his absence.

After 3 weeks of marriage, her husband left to UK.  She continued to stay with her parents and pursue her studies (PG).  She had to move to another city as part of her final semester project and stayed in a hostel.  Her husband, mother-in-law and husband's sister (married) used to call her every day or other and enquire about her where abouts and monitor her closely.  They pass mean comments and questions if she is with any men. 

Also, she came to know that her husband is not having any job (after his study at UK) and he lied about the job before the marriage.  As she is nearing completion of her studies, she asked her husband about the plans of joining him.  She was told that he is not having a job and he is not having any intention to take her with him.  When she advised him to come back to India and find a job, he said he is not interested to do a job.  Rather, he told her to pursue a job in USA and that she should take him as a dependent.

Her husband and in-laws are money-oriented and donot want spend any money.

When she raised the issues with her parents and told them that she is not interested to continue the relationship, they didnot agree.
Her husband came back in Feb 2011.  After having a discussion to sort the differences, she refused to join him and stayed at her parents place.  her husband also continued to stay at her parents place.  Her parents did not try to talk to both and sort out the differences.  Rather, they have confined her to the house, removed her mobile and beat her up daily in front of her husband and in-laws.  Her husband and in-laws did not stop them.  No one were allowed to talk to her or under vigilence all the time.  Her parents are very particular about their social stature and anything else is secondary for them.

In the first week of April 2011, she left the home without informing any one and faxed a complaint to Police and HRC.  Her parents are receiving notices daily from HRC that the complainant should be given protection by Police from the respondents (her father) so that the complainant can go ahead with the legal proceedings.  Her whereabouts are not known and the address mentioned on the notices led to nowhere.  It has been a week that she is out of home.

I am worried and wanted to help her.  How can I find her and tell her that I am there to help her.
I think, all she wants is a divorce and what are the next steps for that.


 5 Replies

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     13 April 2011

for divorce and other, first of all she has to come out from absconding.  her absconding will produce no result.

you try by paper advertsement.

also contact her friends.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     13 April 2011

@ Author 

Ld educated people also give 12 L + 20 tolas (nearly 4 L) worth of dowry to fix a educated women up with a NRI groom then this is what educated people get in return and then stories are made on torture and HR violations which we hear daily are summary of your briefs. . 

HRC does not take action on daily basis on mere complaint of any wife on their marital issues such as briefed above. it is well known that all Indian married ladies only have HR's (Human Rights) and none of the Indian Husbands who are married do not have ABC of any HR's ! I have been co-party to several hearings in two cases at NHRC, Delhi against DCP, SW Delhi on 498a IPC arrest issues and I am aware of HRC's conduct right from proper format of their Application and para wise mentioning of "how it violated your human rights and remedies exhausted etc. are to be mentioned theirin?" to official file marking procedures followed by 2 Sec. Level members hearing in their 1st. floor meeting rooms to more paper work etc. and if you say your cousin just flew a letter and HRC took note then I sincerely wish all metro wifes and rural wifes under such circumstances should now write a post card to HRC and get notices served on their In Laws which colly. is not the practical practice scenario of HRC mind it.

However these besides the point I am conditioned enough now-a-days to believe these types of presented briefs.


1. Write a reply to HRC and give your address for contact by your cousin sister with  a letter addressed to her advising her to appoint any person of her choice as her POA and file a Divorce suit under POA requesting in-camera proceedings. Under HMA it is allowed settled Law to do in-camera proceedings in sensitive cases including contempt cases so it is nothing unique being advised.

2. She need not to come in public even at evidences stage and her family in video conferencing room of the court will vouch for her identification and she gets a Divorce if this is what you and her side wants.

. Now if divorce is not that you ll want but actually want back those 12 L + 20 tolas (nearly 4 L) then Aradhana Group of metro ladies writers here will guide you on loads of sections of IPC to use to recover these dowry items. 

1 Like

kesavareddy (Software Consultant)     14 April 2011

Thanks to Arup, Tajobsindia & Prabhakar for the inputs.  I am planning to write a letter to HRC with my contact numbers.  Unless, she is traced, I will not know what exactly she is looking for.

Dear Prabhakar, you are true that it is no surprise to have these kind of outcomes with such marriages.

kesavareddy (Software Consultant)     26 May 2011

Hi, This is in continuation to the above case.  My cousin sister who was absconding from her home since 7th Apr, did not return home nor made her presence evident.  Meanwhile, her parents are suspecting me that I know her whereabouts and are pressing me to tell the same.  I made it very clear to them that I donot know where she is.  Her parents made the local police call me and ask the same.  I had to explain the same.

In last Dec & Jan, she stayed at my place while she was pursuing her PG project and left to her parents' place in the first week of Jan.  While she was about to leave my place, she told me that she is having a problem with her husband, in-laws etc.. and requested me to talk to her father to get those resolved.  I spoke to her father (upon her request) and advised to resolve any issues amicably by discussing with both the wife and husband.  Thats all I did.  They think that I am abetting her to get out of this relationship.

Now, if they file a case against me that I knew where she is...what should I do / what are my rights..?

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