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Vikas Gupta   21 June 2016

Rape case reported after 5 months

One of my relatives  who is a lady was raped via giving some thing in the drink  by a person living in the same society , but the woman did not reported , but some how the main took pics of her and continued to blackmail her , the woman was not much smart she in order to avoid the conflick came under his trap but then aftr some time she reported this to her husband and they filed the Rape case against the  accused 356 and 506 because he has also given threat to kill her daughter , now since the  act happened 5 months ago natrually nothing might come in the medical reports , I want to know what are the most likely outcomes for such cases , Nowdays I hear many cases where women report rape case  against some one after 6 months and up to 2 yrs  , how does these cases most likely end , since there is not much  on the women side to prove the rape incident .

 7 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     21 June 2016

Circumstance evidences follows By police investigator upon filled enquired
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Pawan S (Advocate)     21 June 2016

Medical evidences will not affect in these kind of cases.

Victim’s statement along with the corroborated circumstantial evidences will be suffice.




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Man... Rather going to rape cases etc etc... Ur case is direct black mailing and .... If u need know further pm me

Vikas Gupta   22 June 2016

Unfortunately the  only evidence I have is whats apps messages  , I am not sure  how much weightage is given to wts apps messages as evidence 


Pawan S (Advocate)     23 June 2016

In the absence of any corroboration, victim’s oral testimony will be suffice for conviction of the accuse if it is found to be cogent, reliable, convincing and trustworthy.

You can show whatapp messages as evidence from the prosecution side.


I cannot guess about the verdict at this period of time.

Give it a try to get the justice in spite of sitting idle.



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Does what's app mssges proves that actual rape has been committed.... U r proving blackmailing coz that guy has ur wife pvt photos..

Vikas Gupta   02 July 2016

sorry the sections imposed on the accused were 376 and 506    not 356 

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