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puns (engineer)     19 April 2013

Property question on ownership


10 yrs ago We had got a shop/gala since from 1960 my grand father was paying rent & working on that place.

its area is 250 Sq.t.

at that time land owner wrote on 100 Rs. stam paper that hence forth there wont be his ownership on this 250 sq.t area & its given to us.

Electricity meter is on my grand father name.

We have not regd. this property yet.


Can the owner create and problem for us ?

what should be done here?

 4 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     19 April 2013

Simply Rs.100 stamp paper document is not enough. It would have registered under revenue dept. Now it can be registered. Approach registrar office in revenue dept. 

1 Like

mahesh waghela (prop.)     20 April 2013

my mother aged 82 yrs.oldlegaltenant of small rented roomat mumbai staying since 1051 and rent billis in her own namefathers had 2008 mentioning younger brother has noright in said roomsince he has alreay taken away fathers shop but he is notvacating it cae is going in hight ourt pleasereccommend mesomehighcourts judgement orofsupreme courtjudgement which protectright ofprop of my mother and youndger brother can vacat said roomplease this isurhent since matter is in court on dt.24/04/13frommahesh waghela cellno.09323783079 email

mahesh waghela (prop.)     20 April 2013

pleasesugest mesomehighcourt and supremecourts judgemetin connection with right tenancy when rentbill is in nme ofaged mother and younger brother is not vacating saidroomand has been entered in said roomwithout consent and in absence ofmother

puns (engineer)     23 April 2013

Thank you Rama Sir,

Just incase if the builder who gave us this shop (as per written agreement) harrasses us by not giving his sign for the final registration in revenue.. What can be done then?
According to you what is a wise step here?

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