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Pls. help me out stuck at 498,406,506 with cruciel stage??


Hello everyone !!! I'm from Hyd A.P..


                            In a case of Love cum arrange Marriage, if the Husband knows that his Wife is truthful to him before marriage...and after marriage in span of 3 months she behave cruel and chatting with others and sending nasty pics to her boy friend and when protested and complained to elders she went home and bribe lawyers and filed false cases 498,406,506 and inlaws are unknown abt her daughter's affair and they are not ready to  sit and solve the issue and dragging me and my family to jail and court by filling cases as my father in laws influence police  as he is in police dept. and at this stage I'm very depressed and don't know what to do next on What grounds/ rights does the Husband have for filing a rightful seperation/ this stage???when all three sections are in FIR stage and still charge sheet is not yet filed..she taken gold and valueble items before filling this cases and know they r denying all.. 


Even the family from the Wife's side harrassing us so we changed our residences for minimum scope to keep unhurt from manhandling me and safe my family ..


This is a matter of breach of integral trust between the Girl which they have to build before finalising the relation.. They r  filling cases to extract money even though they know I'm jobless..


Kindly advice. Thank you. what to do plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......................


 4 Replies

Adv. Anil M. Sharma (Advocate)     30 September 2011

Dear Brokan Heart,

In Such situation, you have to be cautious and keep patience. first of all take advice from the good lawyer in the vicinity. as you have mentioned that you need separation or divorce on all abovementioned ground. in such situation, you can file petition for judicial separation on the ground of cruelty which is being meted out to you and your family. then after you can file divorce petition if the situation demands. all the decisions under such cases need to be taken with peace of mind and due consultation with the senior members of your family. hence as per the story narrated by you, it will be a good case for filing petition for annullemnt of marriage on the ground of fraud and harassment.

Alok Tholiya (self employed)     01 October 2011

  1. How come all 498A affected find that all in laws ar influential, can bribe police,and in this case even an advocate?? How do U bribe ur own advocate?? 
  2. How is it that there is no mistake of husband and yet all the family of in laws,neighbours,friends are siding with wife?
  3. How is this that all women turn cruel and husband does not take steps to go for counseling/ treatment and her relatives do not help him in this sane step.
  4. How is it that none of them ( exception proves the rule) collect evidence as that is the only remedy/ safeguard and specially when lot of gadgets are available in open market. 
  5. How is it that in my circle I know of several cases of adultry by men, drinking and beating wife, men going to ladies bar/ prostitutes, impotent men getting married, men having no income but before marriage showing big income on matrimonial biodata, men beating wife and children our of attack of anger/ own frustration due to own wrong doings, gambling, speculating without knowledge and without sufficient safety in share market and putting dependants on financial risk, demanding dowery, taunting bride,insulting bride side  etc Where as I know very fewer case of cruelty by wife. That too in first three months. What is that she has encountered?? What is that seriuos issue ( physical ?? mental?? financial?? extra marital ?? etc ) she has found in three months?? If nothing then collect evidence. If u want to repair then  understand her grivances and resolve them. 


@ Alok yes Lot of evidence I'm holding against her which done me and my family miserable...abd whit no help from relatives and being elder in family hav lot of steps to hanle and to take care and recover from this mental torture and had to fight against cruelty with inlaws..

And Yess Anil had suggest me to go for Annullement of marriage and fraud and harrassment to my family..


go divorce... nothing less... wrong woman...

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