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Common Man   27 November 2016

Physical possession sueing the bank for financial remedy


I purchased a property in bank action. Everything went smooth and we regsitered the property in 2014. b/ank only had symbolic possession and they promised me to hand over physicall possession in 3 months. It is an empty land but bank told me that they need collector's order to give me the possession. We have been fighting this together with the colector office for 2 years and few months back only the collector has passed the order. But it gave power to DRO to hand over the possession. This guy is taking 4+ months and not passing the order. But I am also very disappoitned with the bank for not doing anything proactive and let this delay for 2+ years and still continues. We are almost there now with DRO handing over the possesion. 


Can I sue the bank now in HC/DRT for not handing over the possesion in time and seek financial remedy for my loss and stress? Should I do it in HC or DRT?

Will it be OK to do that even after I get possesion? 

I spent almost 1 crore and out all my hard earned money and the irresposible bank, collector and government policies are giving me hard time to enjoy the property. I really want to do something about it?

Can I sue the collector and DRO as well and get some suspesion for them through HC?



 1 Replies

ADVOCATE TRILOK (CRIMINAL family PROPERTY )     27 November 2016

There are many problems in legal system and no central authority to monitor. see the following example.

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