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Gopal (services)     27 July 2012

Passport impound ordered by court


I filed for divorce in USA, she has not contested in the divorce but she has a lawyer in US, there argument is that they did not even get summoned.

498A Case filed in india, charge sheet filed, its been close to 8 months, i did not attend the court but my family memebers are attending, Alimony case field 2 months ago, now the court has ordered to impound the passport as i am not attending the court proceedings, i also heard that they are trying to file extradition, every one is under the political pressure even the judge i guess, so everyone is passing the orders.i dont know if it is just political or other ways to convince, not to divert the topic.

Will the indian embassy be able to impound my passport in USA, i know if i visit the embassy they will, but if i dont, how will they be able to impound it? by contacting the local authority? dont think so, can someone please confirm. Is it legal to work in USA even after the indian court has passed the order to impound the passport, as the impound is ordered the passport will be invalid, if the passport is invalid so will be the visa.

will the court order the Expadition for a 498a case. in the below link it was stated that it can never be done. but i am still doing R&D to find out. im freaked out a bit now but got used to these surprises since the case was filed, i will be fine tomorrow. will they be able to take me to india from USA? on these charges, i  contacted the ACP and he said that they are 3-4 498a cases in total where expadition was ordered.

please help, i am not afraid to face the court in india, all that will happen is i will be prison for 5-10 days and after that everything will be normal, just go around the court for a long time. but that will screwup my whole future. i will not be able to come back to US again.

 3 Replies

Gopal (services)     27 July 2012

sorry i was spelling extradition as expadition, as i have explained earlier i was a little freaked out.

varadg (nil)     26 August 2012

I dont think extradition is possible...but watch out LOC- Look Out Circular... as they have political contacts...never come to India....else u r in sh*t. carry on working there and if required come to India after closing the work contract... but that is last option .... my advice never cum to India ...avoid avoid avoid coming India... get a new job to UK or Europe... watch out expiry date of ur PP...

srk (Service)     27 September 2012

Thanks for the reply Varadg, 

i am planning not to come to india in near future, as she has already filed for alimony and if i dont show up, think all the asserts on my name will be awarded to her i guess. still there is a lot to deal with as the H1B is not yet approved. if i gift the assets to someone in my family  will she be able to get the property. 


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