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ajaymaurya   17 February 2015

Name change in dob certificate


My Daughter is 1 Year old. and we want to change her name in DOB cerificate.

She born in Surat district Gujarat and we got the DOB certificate from Surat Muncipality, but we reside in Mumbai.

how can we change her name in DOB certificate.


 6 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     17 February 2015

Submit  an application for name correction to the concerned municipality office. Enclose your affidavit with notary and two gazetted officers certificates and a photo of the baby.

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T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     19 February 2015

You may apply for change of name in the birth certificate with the concerned authorities, if the application is rejected you may have to approach court with a declaration suit only.

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ajaymaurya   19 February 2015

Is this possible in Mumbai only. because we reside in mumbai and my job timings doesnt allow me to go to surat.

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     20 February 2015

For corrections , You have to send some representative there and do the needful. For fresh apply you can see the website www.ahmedabad municipal corporation.

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T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     20 February 2015

Since the daughter is born in Surat district, Gujarat, you have to approach the competent authority for births and death registration within the jurisdiction where your child took birth with an application for change of name in the birth certificate, if the authority refuses to accede to your request, ask them to give the same in writing and then approach the jurisdictional court with a suit for declaring the correct name of your child as proposed by you now, alternately, you may make an affidavit stating that both the names are one and the same and she will be hence forth called as 'so and so' and on the basis of this affidavit, you may get the same published in the government gazette at Mumbai itself, you may also publish the change of name in the local newspaper too which can be attached with the gazette publication after which she can be called by her new name and the same may be registered in her school records too at a later stage.   For all these, you don't need the help of any advocate or an agent, you can do it yourself, but in case you are too busy or not able to find the proper procedures to be complied, you may take the assistance of an advocate in the local.

Sayan Dasgupta   02 February 2020

Is there a timeline for name change? 

For example, I am 30 years old, i need my name changed in Birth Certificate. I was born in Surat Municipality

Can it be done now?

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