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praveenkumar   27 July 2015

my mother need help

My mother want to file a case of maintanense on my sister unmarried and age is age is 26.already my mother now getting 1000rupees only for month under father present salary is plz tellme..will my sister also get money or not ??? how much money we will get ??? my mother and sister and me dont have anywork and dont have any sources..plzz tell me...thank you so much


 13 Replies

Prasad (Systems Engineer)     27 July 2015

Hello Mr.Praveen...


At the age fo 26, be a dignified man.


Go and find a job and take care of your family like a King.


Or go and give respect to your father and ask your father to take care of yourself. 


At this stage and age, do not bring legality in your family and humiliate everyone.



praveenkumar   27 July 2015

My father got another marraige

Prasad (Systems Engineer)     27 July 2015

Then you should stop respecting that man aand do not expect money from him.


You should not take money from him even if he gives you.


At age 26, why are you still not on job? How many more years you are going to be jobless?


Make your mom and sister proud by taking care of them from your salary.



praveenkumar   27 July 2015

Hello sir.iam preparing fr govt jobs with my own earing money..i dont need money from my dad..only sister and mum want father neglected us after second marriage.we dnt have house and anything from him.he only enjoyed and he dont ready to do sister marraige.iam shamed of he is my father

DR. DIMPLE JINDAL (ADV.) (Advocate)     27 July 2015

If your father have solemnized second marriage with out taking divorcee from your mother (means from his first marriage), then your father is liable to be punished under 494 and 495 of IPC for bigamy. This is a criminal offence, which can put your father behinds the bar. 

praveenkumar   27 July 2015

You first stop encourege this like stuppid fathers

praveenkumar   27 July 2015

Thank u sir "dimple jindal"

praveenkumar   27 July 2015

First he got divorce without mum permission..after my mother filed a case .court has cancelled his divorce

praveenkumar   27 July 2015

First he got divorce without mum permission..after my mother filed a case .court has cancelled his divorce


Ask her to file DV case.

Arun   30 July 2015

Best of luck for urs exam & don't take tension, & take Care of your mother & sister. & you should work hard definitely you will won. Concurrently you should consult with a good lawyer & file a suit against him.

Arun   30 July 2015

Best of luck for urs exam & don't take tension, & take Care of your mother & sister. & you should work hard definitely you will won. Concurrently you should consult with a good lawyer & file a suit against him.

praveenkumar   31 July 2015

Thanku sir "arun"..

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