Iam 29 Female( completed my graduation in 2016), my family consists of 5 members , father, mother, 2 elder brothers, iam the youngest in the family. Till 2014 eveything was fine, in 2015 my first elder brother (eldest of three among us ) started harrasing me s*xually , me being a minor , i have informed this to my parents (both mother &father & 2nd elder brother ) as my graduation was still 1 year left , they made some drama, and they strictly warned me to not to tel this anyone as it will spoil their reputation and prestige in society and relatives and all , me being being just 19 yrs old , i obeyed their words, then they shouted on my brother , he ran away from house and came back after one day , for few days he was quiet, later on started s*xually harassing again, this time my parents decision was to get my marriage done as soon as my graduation completes and send me out of the house. fortunately i fought for with them and stopped making my marriage forcefully , this s*xual harasment by my brother continued til 2023. i warned him many times , i could not tell my parents all these years coz , the only solution they find is to make my marriage forcefully. i have started working for startup from 2017 , from then i had frw career gaps cuz of mrg pressure by my family, they never let me work peacefully yet took all the salary forcefully from me , i worked till april 2022 in ofc and took WFH . Finally in may 2022, my parents took away my mobile, laptop and broke them both , also they took away the little amount i had left with, AND my parents forcefully fixed my mrg with a random guy without my consent , they did not listen to me though i said he doesnt have job, even when i cried they dint care me, after few days of mrg fixing , the groom parents came saying , the groom has ran away blah blah , so eventually the match has been broken yet all the arrangements were made for the mrg, groom family has given some amount on my name to deposit as they spoiled my matchmaking process , and also we ve spent amount on all arangements for mrg , finally dispute is settled between two families. The amount given by guy family, my father deposited it as FD in his accnt on his name , saying he will use that for mrg etc. I kept quite. Though the match was broken by guy family, my family has abused me physically mentally for many days. And again my eldest brother came back from banglore, who was in bnglre from all these days, as soon as he came back , he started harassing me mentally physically either way, i had to shut my mouth else i will get married forcefully to someone. (only reason he came back hyderabad is for stealing money given by the groom family to me) i have bought mobile & laptop with my own money again, and worked in WFH till dec 2022 wich was given by my ofc . later on my family dint allow me to go to ofc. and the thing whatever the amount is given by the groom family , my father and eldest brother withdrwan half of the amount from it and used it for elder brother Job and downpayment for Car on his name . he is all settled now with good job and Luxurious car on his name . I kept quite all these days, they(whole family) dint let me go out nor let me do job, they literally dont let me do anything, again they brought a random match and forced to fix , this time i simply ran away to girls hostel to my frnd stayed there for 1 day , yet my family tortured me whole day to come back home . and played all emotional drama , so i came back , for few days they kept quiet , this b*st*rd( elder brother ) started looking for alliance for himself , As he os aware that still half of the amount is remaining in FD ( amount given by groom family) , he started drama to buy a new house on his name , eventually , after all drama in April 2024 without my knowledge nor my permission ,my elder brother and my father has withdrawn remaining amount from FD and used it up for downpayment of house. now the house is also under name of my brother & he got married . he is all settled with job , car and house with the money came by spoiling my marriage. Now he is all set to just leave the house along with his wife. so now im left like this , my parents &whole family has spoiled my career & personal life both intentionally . now if i raise my voice about the money they physically, verbally abuse me , ALL THE HELP I NEED IS, first and foremost i want stay away from them pls guide me legally 🙏 second one is i DEFINITELY need all the amount back on my name & account ( money given by groom family on my name ) . Also , i need legal help so that my family cannot force me to get me married against my will, i want to settle in my career first . NOTE : I have my marriage fixing photos, the groom and groom parents contacts , the dates on which my brother & father withdrwan money and persons whom did they transfer the money , Also photos of each and every wound i had when they beat me, my brother kicked me in my stomach when iam on my periods, my father hit my back , my broken mobile (which my parents broke) i have proof of everything A to Z . (only thing is my parents simply say we dint take any money , what money , which money , where money ??? ) I might sound money minded , but yes i have become like that bcz , they all took away my salary too ( which i have proofs again from past 4+ years) . ALL they think is , i should be dependant on them and be a slave , which i dont want to entertain anymore. PLS GUIDE ME LEGALLY, I NEED JUSTICE🙏🙏🙏🙏 if you ask why did i bear all these along these years , they threatened me that if i tell anything outside they shall die , its just a black mail. Yet , i really made a suicide attempt , still the harrasement and abuse never stopped🥲 SAVE ME🙏🙏