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Sanjeev Kushal   25 December 2015

Legal guidance related to online earnings

Hello, I am new to this forum, and want a bit of helpful and worthwhile legal advice in a case related to myself. I am a 23-year old guy, who is currently pursuing his H.S. education after being a drop-out for a considerably long period of time due to some personal issues. Also, I earn online mainly by performing some freelancing tasks. I am the sole child in my family, and we, as a family, prefer not to mingle with our neighbours very often as they are beastly people, and are extremely envious of our affluence and prosperity. Recently, I have started working hard to make more money online, which has greatly intensified the level of hostility and envy. Nearly always, I hear them of hatching a plot against me in order to implicate me. For instance, sometimes, they say that they will falsely accuse me of earning money by employing illegal  means and being a gambler. They do this just to throw me off my path, and preclude me from settling smoothly in my online freelancing career. Although they have hinted me about bringing the police to my doorsteps, they have not done so to date. But, in case, they do something of that sort, how can I protect my family? I have a bank passbook, which I think is enough, to prove my innocence. In that passbook, all the transactions pertaining to my online earnings are recorded systematically. Do you think I need any further evidence or the like to safeguard myself? Currently, I have not filed any IT returns personally as my earnings have not yet breached the income tax exemption limit. Your brisk assistance in this respect will be highly appreciated.

 13 Replies


U have not mentioned why UR neighbours were acting in that way,when U people were keeping away from them? How did they come to a conclusion that UR online earnings were by way of illegal means? 

slakshmanrao (accounts officer)     26 December 2015

Following information is required to be produced to the Branch in whic the present account is held :(1).Gmail I.D. (2).Personal Contact Number (3) Savings Bank Account Number for K.Y.C.Updation.This concept is with a view is to ensure that the !!! Relief Sought For!!! has the specific recommendation of the Branch,to derive procedural effectiveness...

Sanjeev Kushal   26 December 2015

Actually, they cannot stomach the fact that I earn online inspite of my relatively low educational qualification. I speak fluent and smooth English and have a smattering of French too, which they also cannot endure as my educational qualification speaks otherwise. They believe only graduates can earn or speak foreign languages. Most importantly, they don't desire us to progress financially as the entire issue has mainly arisen out of envy. Most of them are a bit financially backward compared to us.

Sanjeev Kushal   26 December 2015

However, I did not quite get the point with respect to KYC updatation. If I update the KYC details of my bank account, will it be enough to safegiard myself from the police?

slakshmanrao (accounts officer)     26 December 2015

KYC Compilance is mandatory as far as banking Industry is concerned. No remedy, about police case...


Dear Sanjeev,

UR query is getting deviated from gthe original post,U have not answered by questions.

Sanjeev Kushal   26 December 2015

@slakshmanrao, My bank account already has the KYC details.

Sanjeev Kushal   26 December 2015

@SAINATH DEVALLA It's a matter of envy.

Sanjeev Kushal   26 December 2015

@SAINATH DEVALLA Hope you understood what I mean.


Of course I understand the reason mentioned by U for the neighbour's envy.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     05 January 2016

There is nothing that you can do to avoid the situation except to face one which may arise when it arises. You equip yourself with the details of your genuine earnings in the event you are required to submit details to the enquiry officer who you apprehend to knock your doors at the behest of the  envious people around you.

If yo have not done any wrong thing or have not earned income by any wrong or illegal means, there is nothing to be worried or concerned to this extent.  

AndrewDawn (sss)     02 April 2022

How do rich people have fun in general? I'd like to know, but I don't have much money myself. Who knows, write.

Raju Garai   27 May 2023

I appreciate the practical examples you've included in your post. They bring the concepts to life and make them relatable. 

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