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Subhomoy Das (Retail Manager)     09 June 2011


In our country why husband are always punished for no fault of theirs? why they are always being made to pay the price when they didnt make any crime. agreed there are some cruel husband who indeed torture on their wives. those persons should be punished. but to safegaurd wives IPC 498A have been made. But at the same time the Govt or the Supreme Court or the Law ministry should think seriously to punish those wives who take undue advantage to misuse IPC 498A or domestic violence act. they should bring a stringent law against all those wives who misuse IPC 498 A. In this process i think false complain against husbands and inlwas u/s 498A will be stopped or minimised. all those wives will think infinite number of times before misusing IPC 498A if such stringent laws are introduced.


 6 Replies


Many discuss about 498a ,there are lots of discussion you can find but the solution is right now is none.

Right  now the legislature i.e,parliament is very busy.And you also know in which area  .

Just prey that 498a will be modified.

Saurabh..V (Law Consultant)     10 June 2011

I personally feel, Govt. made all the laws way back over 100years ago which stand nullified and outdated today. Every law talks about one side of the story: About the complainant!! What about innocent accused who has been falsely implicated?


Govt. really needs to modify not only 498a but the core of IPC & CrPC which would provide possibilities for the innocents to show their innocence before they are harrassed and maligned.





Ravikant Soni (LAWYER IN JAIPUR)     10 June 2011


This is an universal truth.

Ravikant Soni (LAWYER IN JAIPUR)     10 June 2011


This is an universal truth.

suguna prasad kalvala (advocate)     11 June 2011

HELLO  Sec 498 A is not made alone for wifes  the section speaks about either of spouse , the women is India is treated as  AABALA or weaker s*x  and law however is now made in favour of women for the welfare of the weaker community  Law however protects the men if justice is with him   Suguna prasad kalvala Advocate 9949995476  

Subhomoy Das (Retail Manager)     11 June 2011

Pls be noted that if women of India themselves as AABALA NARI, then tell me how women like Sonia Gandhi, Pratibha Patil,Jayalalitha,Mamata Banerjee are in high position. If one consider herself as weak or AABALA then its not possible to perform in such high positions. There are women who take undue advantage of IPC u/s 498A and misuse them. The suffers are the husband and his family. The law in India always support the women . So thats why i suggest to implement a stringent law against all those wives who try to misuse IPC 498A. Even all those men who have tortured their wives should be punished heavily. In short i`m not against IPC 498A but i`m trictly against who misuse IPC 498A in the name of AABALA NARI or weaker sections. In general if anyone travels to Australia,USA or Europe or even in Asia then anyone can see that there is no seat reserved for ladies in Public Transport system /rails. But there are few seats reserved for Physically handicapped person. Why arent the women of those countries doesnt considered as AABALA WOMEN or Weker section. Does God gifted those women with an extra pair of hands, legs, eye, ears etc. Atleast in India the govt  have lauched various schemes for welfare of women. Then also the women of India are not happy and still considered as AABALA Nari. this is by habbit.

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