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Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     12 December 2010

Is it necessary to bring IRBM or easy divorces to India?

‘Easy divorce ruining lives in Pakistan’


Noted Pakistani human rights activist Asma Jahangir on Friday said that easy divorce under the present matrimonial law in her country is ruining the lives of millions of women, leading to various societal problems. Delivering the 16th Justice Sunanda Bhandare Memorial Lecture on 'Impact of law and politics on women in Pakistan', Jahangir said the concept of man as the provider and woman as the up bringer of children and homemaker was still prevalent in the Islamic state. “Divorce is the cheapest thing in Pakistan. A man has to just spent Rs 10 to send a letter of talaq to the union council and sleep over it. And then he automatically gets a divorce. In 80 per cent of such cases, women have got only Rs 32 as ‘meher’,” Jahangir said. She added women were permitted to move for divorce only if it was mentioned in the ‘mehernama’. Jahangir lamented that women were discriminated against in property rights as well. "I have always said there should be equitable distribution of property at the time of divorce," she said. This, Jahangir added, can work as a check on polygamy. "If they have to share assets every time, they won't get married several times," she said. Jahangir, who has the distinction of being the first woman president of the Supreme Court Bar Association in Pakistan, said being a women's rights activist has worked against her and often she had to face fundamentalists' ire for what they alleged "making the community more brazen". Supreme court judge Justice Altamas Kabir said even in India women had to face many kinds of discrimination in the society. He, however, said small efforts on part of individuals such as Asma Jahangir has led many positive changes in societies across the globe

 26 Replies

Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     12 December 2010

The situation of Pakistan and India is quite different. Pakistan as far as my knowledge goes does not yet have Domestic Violence Act in place to protect the interests of women. Even in Divorce and maintenance matters women in Pakistan remain marginalised in comparision with their  counterparts in India. 

I am here not putting forth my views on IRBM but only the relative rights of Indian women vis a vis their Pakistani women. The  information on status of Pakistani women are not only through secondary research but also through my direct interactions with Pakistani women in different conferences and training sessions where we meet together. 

2 Like


In pakistan  women's situation is very bad compared to india.

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     12 December 2010

As I know in Islamic/shariat marriages their custom prevails over the written law in India. Also only husbands have right to exercise the facility of triple talaaq system. Women cannot divorce.

As far as IrBM is concerned, one has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the marriage is really irretrievably broken, which is difficult task. So IrBM is not going to affect much. Also it will depend on the notion of judge sitting to give the benefit of this.


Any way the control on divorce must be there, as marriages will become fun. Other measure like awareness about the law and counseling should be taken.


Men at Pakistan are enjoying a lot. LOL!



Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     12 December 2010

even if pakistan's situation is worse than india,it doesnt mean india is too good legally speaking.


dowry cases still abound,justice delivery speed is pathetically slow and maintenance given is meagre.

if it's few rupees alimony in pak,in india its 3000 rs. even for wives of NRIS(BASED ON MANY NEWSPAPER REPORS READ).for 3000 u can buy at the most a pair of spectacles...i am sure a sweeper in govt service gets more pay that this.


regarding irbm,any faulty person can say marriage is irrevertibly NRI  deserts the wife purposely for many yrs,changes his addresses so that wife is unable to find out,stays with a k*** deliberately and says marriage is broken.


inlaws can deliberately harass for dowry and girl will be afraid of taking legal action as she knows that once she lands in court,inlaws+hubby will use IRBM,since mrrg is irrevertibly broken because gilrl filed girl will tolerate much more(like girls of india 50-100 yrs. back) if they want to save marriages.


irbm will lead to supression;not progress...irbm is the opposite of DV Act case...while dv act ensures matrimonial rights,irbm will be used against girl so that she doesnt demand marriage rights!


just wait and watch to see what IRBM does!one day feminists will themselves file PIL as irbm willbe misued by men who want to get rid of wives at the drop of a hat and vice versa

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Next sequence of posting

RG, Ashutosh, Kushan Vyas,


Then repeat + one new seldom used id or  a new id


Can somebody help me with algorithms to predict the sequence of response?

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even if pakistan's situation is worse than india,it doesnt mean india is too good legally speaking.

Ya ,but nothing is completly pure ,clean.

If we compared to other countries it may be india is worse than.

India have dowry problems ,other countries have their own problems .

1 Like


Ha.. Ha...


Got first hit...



Can somebody help me with algorithms to predict the sequence of response?

Nobody can help you

You are the only one who can help yourself ( taking positive energy  )as you earlier said that Men gets wiser after the experience.


Kushan .. Thank you.

... I believe I will have to account for two consecutive postings from same id. ......Never mind

Order of response is still a mystery. I can not predict when a  person usage which id... any algorithm for that ?


If you think that our id are same then you are wrong but ya our thinking are same.

Why you dont predict them because you dont have positive approach towards life if you have one in future then you also predict our minds.


...Good.. Time for next id... don't you think?


Guess what?


Ability to predict  the order of id used and  positive thinking  are linked ... INTERESTING.


Anyway .. continue.. I will come back when other ids is used from the sequence I detailed.

Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     13 December 2010


Dear Avinash,

Respecting you as a  fellow participant on this virtual platform, whatever be the difference or similarities in our opinions, I would give my bit of response to your query. One can see from the nature of response, and content of it, if they are from the same or different IDs.One can see some regularities in how one responds, but that does not account for the same IDs. I have my own differences on certain issues and approaches to deal with an issue with all three,  but at the same time I have similar understanding on certain issue with them,  as well. 

I am explaining myself not because I have to prove something about my ID, but because of the reason stated above. 

Whether you believe it or not rests entirely up to you, I am contented that I have done my bit to clear the air. 

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