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sunny   05 April 2015

Is abortion, domestic violence?

Wife aborted after 7 months of pregnancy in her parental house in Jalandar. Now after one year of abortion, she has filed DV case stating that me and my family didn't allow her to abort in the beginning of the pregnancy.

Please guide me on this.

 8 Replies

sandykrish (Interested in Family LAW)     05 April 2015

Do you have any evidence of her abortion was that decision taken by taking into consideration the family nembers , if yes, does the Doctor who aborted know this, if yes you have all evidence to go to trial and let the horse come to pond to drink water.

Born Fighter (xxx)     06 April 2015

Vital information is missing ...............

7 months OR 7 Weeks ?


Why did your wife abort ???? if abortion happened @ 7 months it can't be a willful abortion but it seems termination on medical grounds  (complicated pregnancy cases) on proper advice from doctors 


If docs had advised your wife to abort earlier than 7 months to minimize complications and if you did not allow she will file case against you for cruelty for putting her life at risk.  


However if abortion happened to avoid child birth at 7th month and without consulting you then your wife and her family with doctors will be jailed if you can prove the same. 


If your wife is making false allegations she will have to provide evidences and thats not so easy as none of doctors will help her do so risking their practice/license.


sunny   06 April 2015

She was having medical complication at start of pregnency...i told her to abort..she is also a doctor..but she waited till 7 months then she had to abort to save the life of mother...


Very difficult to prove in court.  Possibilities are equal to zero.  Better sit and talk with wife and ask her to take back DV, if she is not interested in continuing relationship better give you divorce.  The fetus which was aborted went, but she should not trouble people who are alive.


Very difficult to prove.  Agree with expert.


The DV complaint is not legal as per current decisions.


Pl show the complaint for proper guidance.

sunny   06 April 2015

now its been 2 year she went to her parents filed dv allegeing abortion and blah blah...can her dv be genuine...and one more thing i have filed RCR 7 months back at my place which is at evidence stage...15 days back only she filed dv at her place

sunny   06 April 2015

Dv complaint is under section 3

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