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neha   26 May 2016

Impotency & domestic violence

I got married in Dec'2013, since then my husband tried for s*x but eventually failed. He has erection problem. Initially he treated me well, we use to go for outings an all, but for outings I used to pay 50%. Since beginning he used to taunt me for being over weight. I tried losing but was unsuccessful. My in laws teated me well but were unaware of his erection problem. I told this problem to my mother in law. From that day, she became extra sweet to me.

During 2 and a half years of marriage, I got my husband treated several times with differnt doctors, like homeopathy, ayurvedic but dont have proves of his treatment. I used to spent all money for his treatment. We also went to an urologist and according to him his tests came out to be fine.

I suggested him to go for IVF for having baby. He went there too and we planned IVF for september 2016 but he has changed drastically. He slapped me once and tortures me to get slim. He even jerked me tightly. 

We had a family talk to but he is stubborn that if I dont get slim, then things will become worst.

Now I am very frightened, to be with him, I feel he can even endanger my life in his anger and frustration.

Can you suggest me legal action or divorce proceedings that I can ttake against him.

 10 Replies

saravanan s (legal advisor)     26 May 2016

If all his tests are OK then it means that he is psychologically affected.take him to a psychiatrist and try.dont try to do anything legally at this stage

saravanan s (legal advisor)     26 May 2016

If all his tests are OK then it means that he is psychologically affected.take him to a psychiatrist and try.dont try to do anything legally at this stage

saravanan s (legal advisor)     26 May 2016

If all his tests are OK then it means that he is psychologically affected.take him to a psychiatrist and try.dont try to do anything legally at this stage

Dr Martin Campbell (Doctor)     26 May 2016

Sexual problems are all up in the head.  Try to lose some weight, if you look like a sac, there wont be arousal from husband.  Consult good psychiatrist, but before anything you lose weight in accordance to your height.

1 Like

A walk alone (-)     26 May 2016

Its not a legal issue. If all test are normal then may be he has some psychological problem take him to psychiatrist or counsellor. He is behaving angry and frustrating because he has some problem. He is just saying you to become slim because he want to hide problem. Try to sought out problem. First take him to doctor. If you think that you can't handle this relationship more then go MCD. If he doesn't Want to go MCD then collect all his treatment paper, make some recording when he became angry or frustrating or torture and with the help of above evidence file divorce . Dnt go to any lawyer. They will just spoil your life. Dnt file any case except divorce. First take help to both side elder to sought out problem


I sail with the suggestion of Adv Saravanan.

  1. Try marriage counselling and attempt to understand the underlying issue between you both.
  2. If it seems that issue is too challenging or you feel that you are not willing to stay with him start talk of mutual seperation on amicable terms.  
  3. Society is quite modern these days, large number of marriages fail, there is no longer as much stigma of divorce. If you look forward there is ample opportunity to start a fresh life. 
  4. Whatever option you chose, do your very very best to avoid making it adversarial match in courts. That is recipie for destruction of your own happiness.
  5. Best of luck.

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     27 May 2016

Discuss the issue(s) within families and find out amicable solutions. Try and save marriage institution.

However,the problem, may be psycharatic, which can be addressed.  

P. Venu (Advocate)     27 May 2016

There are no legal issues involved unless you are contemplating to seek divorce his apparent inadquacy.

S.K. Prabhakar Shetty   23 October 2024

In similar situation, I  have advised that waiting for too long, spending on his medication and tol;erating his ill-treatment will spoil life of wife. I filed case of divorce in matters like this and case is ongoing. I can feed you the required literature and assist you. You file for divorce and also ask for compensation.

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