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satya prakash (Clerk)     17 August 2013

Help needed for crpc 125

Dear All

1) Queen 125 is not appearing for dates 5 to 6 dates absent, suddenely appear for 1 date case moving like this...
2) As Evidence nothing produced by queen other than verbal allegations & she was talking like during mediation I threatened her saying I will kill bla bla bla...
   Hearing all that nonsense Judge himself shouted on her like stop talking nonsense & give valid reasons :)
3) Now Cross examination pending for her but again absent drama, me & my lawyer completely ready to screw her nicely with all proofs, but she is not appearing since 3 dates. Next date is coming Monday.
4) Till now she ddnt ask for interim, I was planning to play safe game on coming date, like in front of Judge I will say as Im very much concerned about Kid, earlier I was thinking case will result soon but other party playing delay tactics so I wanna give 1000 rs for my kid monthly basis till case gets closed.
   As its more than 1 & 1/2 year they ddnt allow me to see my kid so requesting that next date onwards queen should carry my kid without giving medical reasons.

Note : Before this I begged to judge with my lawyer saying close the case as intentionally they are playing delaying tactics to cause mental harassment to me. But judge says last chance I will give & gives next date, queen appear for one date to continue case after that once again delaying tactics...

Will this be safe game? or will it back fire me?

Mediation which is happened in court for same they were talking nonsense so will it be good to ask for child visitation? is it possible to make visitation in front of  judge so that she cant allege me.

How to move 125 fast, because once this results I have plans & counter cases ready to file against bitter half & her parents...

thanks in advance...

 3 Replies

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     17 August 2013

its depend on the facts of your case. what are the allegations and what was your reply/ws on that? state full facts

satya prakash (Clerk)     17 August 2013

Thanks for reply.

Usual 125 draft was used to allege against adding some masala like I have drink habit I use to hit her & bla bla during her stay I ddnt give food to her & kid.

Basically whatever allegations she has mentioned we filed nice reply point wise to take care of all allegations made by her.

Still the mediation drama mentioned above she has done just to show Im bad. anyway but for each & every allegation made by her I have enough proofs to show that she has deserted my life under her parents influence for sake of money. which is true also neither by me or anyone from my family gave any sort of wrong treatment to her or kid. Instead she enjoyed good life with me their only concern was I should give my earnings in her hand & I should make her owner of my property not even nominee owner. So all together they wanted to treat me as their tommy :) which I ddnt agree.

Else seeing her parents past what they have done her father is Tommy :D, they wanted to apply same theory to me.  have all kind of proofs including documental proofs to prove she deserted my life & thts true as well.

As they dont have any sort of proofs against me as I ddnt do anything wrong they just want to harass me & my family. Either I should bend down for kid else I should give them high maintenance that is their intention so to cause more trouble delaying tactics.

I hope these facts are enough to help me out, allegations made by her can be found in any 125 petition with additional masala.

A Blank Diary of Life (MD)     18 August 2013

Fact is, women always use Cr.PC 125 on false ground only. Otherwise, they will not been able to harass her husband and will not extort money from her husband. The said penal code is made to give some relief to the actual agreived women, but, it is always being misused by the wicked women of India and the actual agrieved women never come up for relief.

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