Dear All
1) Queen 125 is not appearing for dates 5 to 6 dates absent, suddenely appear for 1 date case moving like this...
2) As Evidence nothing produced by queen other than verbal allegations & she was talking like during mediation I threatened her saying I will kill bla bla bla...
Hearing all that nonsense Judge himself shouted on her like stop talking nonsense & give valid reasons :)
3) Now Cross examination pending for her but again absent drama, me & my lawyer completely ready to screw her nicely with all proofs, but she is not appearing since 3 dates. Next date is coming Monday.
4) Till now she ddnt ask for interim, I was planning to play safe game on coming date, like in front of Judge I will say as Im very much concerned about Kid, earlier I was thinking case will result soon but other party playing delay tactics so I wanna give 1000 rs for my kid monthly basis till case gets closed.
As its more than 1 & 1/2 year they ddnt allow me to see my kid so requesting that next date onwards queen should carry my kid without giving medical reasons.
Note : Before this I begged to judge with my lawyer saying close the case as intentionally they are playing delaying tactics to cause mental harassment to me. But judge says last chance I will give & gives next date, queen appear for one date to continue case after that once again delaying tactics...
Will this be safe game? or will it back fire me?
Mediation which is happened in court for same they were talking nonsense so will it be good to ask for child visitation? is it possible to make visitation in front of judge so that she cant allege me.
How to move 125 fast, because once this results I have plans & counter cases ready to file against bitter half & her parents...