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Lord Ganesha (service)     09 September 2012

Have the cases u/s 498a, 504, 406, 125 etc. relevance ?????

Dear experts

I have an out of court settlement with my wife for a certain amount as one time alimoney and we file a joint petition for mutually agreed divorce u/s 13 B and later decree of divorce is issued by the court .

Is it possible that even after decree of divorce , my wife can pursue and harass me under the cases of 125 for maintanance , 498 a for dowrry and 504, 406 for intimidation ???

Are the above three cases have any relevance after the filing of joint petition for mutual divorce and issue of decree of divorce? ? ?

thanking u in advance


 3 Replies


Dear Sir,

If you have entered into a settlement with your wife only on mutual divorce, it won't prevent her from proceeding with the criminal case against you. However, case under S.125 of Cr.P.C. can be quashed on ground of settlement in terms of one time alimony.

For further clarification, you can speak to me on 9842197857.

dr.pawan rajyan (member and secretory)     10 September 2012

yes.only if you have not draft properly

JANAK RAJ VATSA (ADVOCATE)     10 September 2012

you will be guided by the mutual agreement submitted in teh court. whatever issue is not covered can be exploited by your ex wife to harass you later

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