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sushma (SE)     20 December 2010

A person having case on him can travel abroad?


I have registered a case on my husband and my father in law of dowry act and attempt to murder in the month of may 2010. And a case is registered on them and charge sheet is also issued to them 2 months back. Now the case is in court, my question is. Can they( husband/father in law)  fly abroad/Overseas on work?




Hoping a strong reply



 9 Replies


Dear Author,

They will have to take prior permission of the Hon'ble Court where ur case is pending before leaving the country. For further details u can call me at 9871158578

sushma (SE)     20 December 2010


Thx for ur kind reply..

I have lodged complaint against my husband and my in law. My husband is into Software field.

The case was lodged in the month of May 2010, and they came out the jail on bail after 4 days.and cas is still in court, nothin gis decided yet.They r attending  the hearings. Now i got the information from one of my relative that he is flying to abroad on work. I dont want this thing to happen. So wat is the next step i have to take him to stop going abroad.And just tell, as far as my knowledge, a person having any case on him is not suppose travel far, right?


Hoping for ur reply.

surya kiran (SE)     20 December 2010

He can very well travel by taking the permission from Hon'ble HighCourt. By the way  why do you want to stop him ..what would u achieve by stopping him ?

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Kamal Grover (Advocate High Court Chandigarh M:09814110005     21 December 2010

While granting bail, court always put this condition that you will not leave india without permission.

So better u first check out from court whether he got permission or not and if not then you can file an application with proof that he is going to leave india so his passport should be surrender in court or police.

sushma (SE)     21 December 2010

I dont achieve anything i guess.. At  the same time, i dont wanna be happy by going there....He should come across all the difficulties which i have faced from him...  He ruined my life... Since he is not able to face the society here in bangalore, he just wanna go out it.. So i dont want him to escape from this, i want him to go all the situation and face the society.

sushma (SE)     21 December 2010

Ok thanks for ur suggestion.. Will do that.

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