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winjess   02 December 2015

one institute ....two names

Hi i joined an institute named IITC (private) , its full form is INDIAN INTERNATIONAL TRADING CENTRE on the website..however in the receipt i received after fee payment from them was from INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE TRAINING CENTRE (IITC)...the receipt had no stamp nor any registration number.when searched online.... INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE TRAINING CENTRE was not this some trick used by such private institutes for tax invasion....request you to please reply as soon as possible.


 2 Replies

Nafees   28 December 2015

Hi! I have also done my IATA Foundation & Consultant Diplomas Training from IITC Bandra, Andheri and Thane Branches and even I noticed the differences in the names but never enquired anyone abt it. I wud suggest that why don't you ask ur branch counsellor or the admin person who collect fees about this issue or if you want clarification in detail then you can ask Vikrant Sir as well bcoz I guess he is the M.D of IITC.

Nafees   28 December 2015

Hi! I have also done my IATA Foundation & Consultant Diplomas Training from IITC Bandra, Andheri and Thane Branches and even I noticed the differences in the names but never enquired anyone abt it. I wud suggest that why don't you ask ur branch counsellor or the admin person who collect fees about this issue or if you want clarification in detail then you can ask Vikrant Sir as well bcoz I guess he is the M.D of IITC.

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