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kamlesh (Branch Head)     09 March 2012

Filing objection ?

my wife filed a suit under order VII rule I of CPC requesting for null and void the marriage as alleging that I have already married person.

The fact is that we have married in 2009 and living happyly only issue between us was I was in Bangalore and She was in chennai.  I have been diagnosed as a lukemia in August 2011.  since then she started behaving indifferently and now the notice sent to my bangalore address.

I am under going a treatment " chemotherapy " and my survival is a big question and I dont want to trouble my wife and prefer to stay away with her.

Under these circumstances due I need to file a objections to the petition received by me.


Kindly answer.


 2 Replies

Adv.R.P.Chugh (Advocate/Legal Consultant (     09 March 2012

File a Written Statement to her plaint rebutting each of her allegations. Since she has filed the case it would be her Burden to prove that you were already married. If she is able to do so, then only you'd have to disprove the allegations

Advocate Bhartesh goyal (advocate)     11 March 2012

Yes,you should contest the case and file written staement and deny  the false allegations made in plaint else in your absence your wife may get succeed the decree for null and void of your marriage.

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