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ktkaran (maanger)     08 September 2013

Dv case -i have form26as can perjury can be filed?

Dear All,

My wife filed DV in Navi Mumbai-

Summons issued twice :Never reached me may be she is managing ,i tracked online

In mean time I got hold of My Wifes Form26AS which show she is earning 50K per month where as in DV she has stated to be non working so i have two queries based on

1. Can I ask for dismissal of case at JFMC as she has stated false statement & that me and her living in different cities separately from past 5 years and other litigations going on.

2.At the same time of filing Application for dismissal of case can i file Perjury based on Form26A or should I wait for court decision on wheher case will be dismissed or not?







 8 Replies


1. Can I ask for dismissal of case at JFMC as she has stated false statement & that me and her living in different cities separately from past 5 years and other litigations going on.


Opinion: The Domestic voilence filed by her should be valid only when the petitioner was having a doemstic relationship for a good amount of time.You have mentioned that you don't have any domestic relationship since 5 years with her but prior to that does she has accepted any voilence by you.See the Landmark judgement of Roshan Dalvi says that for a valid domestic voilence a petitioner should file the case within one year of such incidence.You can take that judgements help to dismiss your case but it can't be taken as granted.Because under domestic voilence act stipulated time frame is not clear.

I would suggest you to go for clear reading of what allegations she had made and counter rigorously by way evidences and witnesses.


2.At the same time of filing Application for dismissal of case can i file Perjury based on Form26A or should I wait for court decision on wheher case will be dismissed or not?


Opinion: Perjury or defamation is filled only after the evidence stage when the petitoner files affidavit for false evidences and proofs and that is prooved by the judgement of such case.The verdict of such cases strongly believes on the false statements under oath.So,in my opinion just wait for the cases to be dismiss.

Samir N (General Queries) (Business)     08 September 2013

The thing to know about fighting DV cases is to do your own homeworks because most advocates are IDIOTS. That comes with the profession. The few good ones practice only in High Court and the top notch ones are prohibitively expensive. That said... I fully agree with the opinion given that the Roshan Dalvi case is your best defense since your case comes under the Bombay High Court. Get the petition thrown out. No need to address the merits.

When you file an application to dismiss do so under Section 468 of Cr. P.C. and possibly other sections too (check with your advocate about the section. Hopefully he will know if any other section is also applicable for dismissal on limitations or other ground).   

First, cite the Supreme Court judgment found here:

Then cite the following Roshan Dalvi judgment and finally the Delhi High Court judgment, snippets of which are also given at the end.







Sejal Dharmesh Ved .. Applicant


The State of Maharashtra & Ors. .. Respondents

Mr. Amit S. Dhutia i/b Niranjan Mundargi for the Applicant.

Mrs. A. A. Mane, APP for Respondent No.1State.


DATE : 7 th MARCH, 2013 .


1. The applicantwife

has challenged the order of the Court of

Sessions at Greater Bombay dated 27.10.2010 holding that her application

under the Prevention of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 (D.V Act) is

not maintainable because she was not in any domestic relationship.

2. The applicant married on 04.05.1999. She lived with her

husband in the US. There are two issues from the marriage. She returned to

India on 11.02.2009.

3. She filed her application under the D.V Act on 18.01.2010.

4. The learned Judge has considered that under these circumstances,

she having come to India in February, 2009 and having filed this application in

January, 2010, there was no domestic relationship between the parties. The

learned Judge has considered the definition of domestic relationship. Of

course, that relationship is defined to be one of which the party then lived and

had earlier lived. That would be during the subsistence of the union between

them. The application under the D. V. Act could be filed, when the marriage

union subsisted. That having came to an an end and long after the physical

relationship came to be an end, she having returned to India, she cannot be

taken to be living in any domestic relationship in India.

5. A wife who lived in a domestic relationship earlier, but which

ceases only because of any domestic violence can certainly file an application

for such domestic violence that took place whilst she lived in that relationship.

Such application is required to be filed within a reasonable time to show that

relationship would give her the cause of action to sue under the D.V. Act for

the reliefs under the Act.

6. A wife who has returned from the USA and consequently from the

domestic relationship and lived in India for one year cannot file an application

with regard to that relationship after such time. Such wife cannot be taken to

be in any domestic relationship. The order of the learned Judge is, therefore,

correct. The writ petition is completely devoid of merits and accordingly




Also Vijay Verma vs State Nct Of Delhi & Anr, Delhi High Court, 2010:

This meaning of domestic relationship has sense when we come to definition of domestic violence and the purpose of the Act. The purpose of the Act is to give remedy to the aggrieved persons against domestic violence. The domestic violence can take place only when one is living in shared household with the respondents. The acts of abuses, emotional or economic, physical or s*xual, verbal or nonverbal if committed when one is living in the same shared household constitute domestic violence. However, such acts of violence can be committed even otherwise also when one is living separate. When such acts of violence take place when one is living separate, these may be punishable under different provisions of IPC or other penal laws, but, they cannot be covered under Domestic Violence Act. One has to make distinction between violence committed on a person living separate in a separate household and the violence committed on a person living in the shared household. Only violence committed by a person while living in the shared household can constitute domestic violence. A person may be threatening another person 100 miles away on telephone or by messages etc. This may amount to an offence under IPC, but, this cannot amount to domestic violence. Similarly, emotional blackmail, economic abuse and physical abuse can take place even when persons are living miles away. Such abuses are not covered under Domestic Violence Act but they are liable to be punished under Penal laws. Domestic Violence is a violence which is committed when parties are in domestic relationship, sharing same household and sharing all the household goods with an opportunity to commit violence.” 

“The problem arises with the meaning of phrase ‘at any point of time.’ Does that mean that living together at any stage in the past would give right to a person to become aggrieved person to claim domestic relationship? I consider that ‘at any point of time’ under the Act only means where an aggrieved person has been continuously living in the shared household as a matter of right but for some reason the aggrieved person has to leave the house temporarily and when she returns, she is not allowed to enjoy her right to live in the property. However, ‘at any point of time’ cannot be defined as ‘at any point of time in the past’ whether the right to live survives or not.”  




Samir N (General Queries) (Business)     08 September 2013

One more thing... make sure that you have her statement iron-clad that you have been separated for five years or so. This statement must be either in her petition or her cross-examination. Sometimes it is good to be patient before filing an application for dismissal. Get her cross-examination and do not give her or even your advocate any idea of your intent to seek dismissal unless you have the 5-year separation fact admitted and on the record - Iron-clad!  If you disclose this to your advocate, the moron will leak it to her advocate and she will intentionally lie on the stand and state differently and that will be the end of any chance for you to file this application. Just ask your advocate to ask her how long the two of you have been separated... Tell him that you want this info on the record for understanding her position on maintenance.


Originally posted by : ktkaran

Dear All,

My wife filed DV in Navi Mumbai-

Summons issued twice :Never reached me may be she is managing ,i tracked online

In mean time I got hold of My Wifes Form26AS which show she is earning 50K per month where as in DV she has stated to be non working so i have two queries based on

1. Can I ask for dismissal of case at JFMC as she has stated false statement & that me and her living in different cities separately from past 5 years and other litigations going on.



2.At the same time of filing Application for dismissal of case can i file Perjury based on Form26A or should I wait for court decision on wheher case will be dismissed or not?

Prejury only after you come out of the said case.





Saurabh..V (Law Consultant)     09 September 2013



My personal advice for your case is that you seek professional help from local lawyer or else I assume you already have one. In case of DV I don't think that showing her Form26AS would help at all. This would only show that she has made a wrong declaration and would only be relevant but not admissible. DV Cases are for violence and not for maintenance.


If she has filed for maintenance then certainly you may show this Form26AS as a proof to get her maintenance claims dismissed in toto.


Unless the litigation does not come to an end, you cannot file for Perjury. However, I would suggest you to stay away from litigation and do not file perjury etc. Let the cases finish and do not drag them. There is life out of court as well :-)


For those who get their living from the court like Judges, lawyers and false dowry case females, it is fine to go to court daily. But others (like you) deserves to live in peace...




Samir N (General Queries) (Business)     09 September 2013

@Saurabh's advice is worth noting, especially not getting carried away by litigations... That said, retain an advocate but do your own reading and stay in control of the case. On evidence... you need to get it on the record. Have her cross-examined(recall her if her cross is over), present the evidence to her when she is on the stand, and get it marked as an Exhibit on the record. Only after that can you use it in your arguments without been concerned about its admissibility. 

ktkaran (maanger)     09 September 2013

Dear All,#Thanks for your guidances and advise.

1-)in her application she has mentioned I deserted her in July 2009-and asked for maintenance since then only :So is it sufficient ground to prove that i am not in domestic relation with her since July 2009?

2-)All other points are vague and say i broke her knees once-No date year place  etc.mentioned

3)-Other allegations similar like 498A-For whcih trial is already pending before another court in Jaipur (she filed 498A in Jaipur & Filed DV in Navi Mumbai this year):

So Can i use arguement & SC judgement that Trial in same allegations cannot be tried at two diferent places as even though she has prayed for Interim and Final Maintainance ,i think trial will be condusted based on her allegations which are not backed by evn a single evidence & all are without dates except those mentioned in 498A.

4)_The allegations she has levelled have happened in year 2005/2008/2009 in Noida(U.P.) & in Ajmer for which she has no proofs only affidavit and are same as 498A::

I agree Lawyers are half cooked  or else very expensive& we all hv to work on our cases so apat from Section 468 of Cr. P.C. what all sections i can use to get it dismissed ,will Section 177/178 will come to rescue which say that trial to take place where offence is committed ?



Also dear Saurabh,Thanks for your advise -I dont want to fight prolonged cases but problem is that when case is being lost by Wives they file another so how to get out of situation is no straight jacket formula and we all have no choice but to fight the case if opposition wants -Tell me if I am wrong,for them filing a case is a cakewalk & For us being offensive hardly any remedies available and defence is not a choice but a must .

Shiva......... (owner)     09 September 2013

Dear all Experts, a small query

For dismissing the DV petition under the above mentioned grounds should we apply in the same JFMC, or else get a stay from High court and and apply for quashing the DV case under above mentioned grounds.


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