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Jai Karan Nagwan (consultant)     20 June 2013

Ethics, corruption & fcpa


Corruption is a worldwide problem and a menace for the entire human community. If we call it a hungry ghost will not be wrong to quote. Corruption and ghost both have big time similarity, we cannot see both but can feel their presence in & around our life that it is swallowing the whole world, but still looks hungry. We are trying to satisfy his hunger since time immemorial in one or other form, but that hunger is increasing day by day. Perhaps we will not be able afford to satisfy this  hunger any more. However, we can surely eliminate it from our life and believe this is high time to do so.

Therefore, with this conviction & commitment, let us pledge to adopt ethics and make it a way of our life. I call each and every citizen of this world to contribute and spread more awareness against corruption through social media or otherwise to make this planet worth living.  

I am also attaching link with PPT on FCPA, which is nothing but a rules of conduct & ethics of general prudence in business transaction.


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