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Jai Hind Singh Rathore   19 September 2020

Tenant vacated without paying

Tenant has vacated premises with electricity,water bill left unpaid and rent of one month not paid


 1 Replies

Ishita Desai   03 October 2020

Originally posted by : Jai Hind Singh Rathore
Tenant has vacated premises with electricity,water bill left unpaid and rent of one month not paid


So, first you need to check as to when did the contract get over. If the contract is over already, then the tenant is not liable to pay anything to you.

However, when the tenant has not paid the rent when the rent contract is in force, you can make use of the provisions of the Rent Control Act of 1948. The provision that you can use to evict the tenant is that, in case the tenant fails to pay the rent for more than 15 days from the due date. 

The most important thing that you need to keep in mind is that you need all the documents for proof. You need to prove to the court of law that (in case your contract is valid) the tenant did not pay off his dues.

If on the present day the contract is over, you need to check as to when was the last time the tenant paid the rent. Did the tenant pay until the last day as per the contract? If not, then you have a strong case.

You need to also keep in mind that eviction is only possible when you require the land for self-use.

Try tracking down the tenant, and ask them to pay the dues if the tenant has missed the payment during the course of the contract. If the tenant still does not do so, then take a step further and approach a lawyer.

Hope this helps!


Ish*ta Desai

Law Student

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