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Lalitha   20 February 2019

Dad transfered all his property to his son alone.

My Dad has 5000sqft house and company in chennai. He has 2 daughters and 1 son. To both of daughters, he did not spend money during our marriages. But he promised our husbands that he will give share in his property. But a couple of months before he died, he wrote a - WILL to transfer all his property to his son alone.  We were not informed or discussed or agreed upon this matter. We suspect our brother had played a game. There was no share given to our mom as well in his property/business. Now my brother casted out my mom as well out of that house. She is living with her daughters. Our husbands don't this act and feel like as if they were cheated by our family. Please advise if there is a way to get the share of my father ...

 8 Replies

Adv Deepak Joshi +917017821512 (Advocate)     20 February 2019

in case Property in question is self earned property than your late father has all right to dispose as per his will.

Adv Deepak Joshi +917017821512 (Advocate)     20 February 2019

if you have doubt about authenticity of WILL than you may challenge in Court

SIVARAMAPRASAD KAPPAGANTU (Retired Manager)     21 February 2019

You have not informed whether the property in question is self acquired property of your Father or otherwise. In case, the property is your Father's self acquired property, he can do whatever he wants to do with the peroperty and Will it to anybody he wishes to and he need not as much as inform anybody leave alone discussion.


However, if you suspect the veracity of the Will as to the mental condition of your Father as it was made just two monhts before his death, or you suspect that your Father's signature was forged, you can file a case accordingly questioning the validity of the Will with all proof to support your allegations. Merely saying that your Brother managed to get his name alone to be inserted into your Father's will not help you in Court. You have to go to Court with all proof.

NSV VARA PRASAD   21 February 2019

Try to enjoy that you have your mother, your brother has money only.  (like mukesh ambhani.)

Suhail suhail (LAWYER)     21 February 2019

If the property is not ansestral and self owned of your father then he can give it  to any one

You need to confirm about what you doubt in execution of will.

Shashi Dhara   21 February 2019

Typical Indian family each fight and get disgust of not getting any share. we Indians have no self confidence to earn wealth we simply talk that one fine day we getlottery and become reich we waste our time money energy everytihing. If u challenge it in court it takes 25yrs to u do u issue legal notice if they refuse file suit if they come to compromise compromise don't drag it .if u want to drag then engage minimum charging advocate.

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     22 February 2019

If there is some legal issue or doubt qua execution of the "Will" must be challenged. 

Show the document of "Will" to a local prudent lawyer for better appreciation, guidance and proceeding.

Anish Thakur 7018812737 (advocate)     23 February 2019

in case of self acquire property your father had full right to give it to any one however if he had acquired it from ancesostors or funds by selling ancestral property daughters can claim
feel free to whatsapp or call if any doubt left

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